Nee April 5, 1941 Mre Bob Mekay Press, Mon's Paneliellenic Council 1025 West Hills Lawrence, Kansas Dear Bobs Por the morning of the Kansas Relays, April 19, we have invited seniors over the State of Xansas, who have been outstanding in basketball, to come and shoot same goals in Robinson Gymnsciui with our r Varsity and Freshmen pleyerte I am enclosing herewith a list of the boys who have written in saying they will be here on the morning of April 19ยข I would appreciate it if you would distribute this list of boys to the members of the different Fraternities so these high school boys will get a good rush fran the various housess We will eupplenent this list as other acceptances come ine Our purpose is to give the high school boys a chance to become acquainted with our Varsity and freshmen, and enables then to have a lot of pleasure with their favorite sports We would appreciate your cooperation in this matters With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Direotor of thysical Education and Recreation ' Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCA: ig