April 15, 1941 Mire Bill uowory Salina High seheol Salina, Kansas Teas Bills It has been our custon in the past few years to invite oute standing seniors who are proficient in basketball to come to the Wniversity on the morning of our Relays, April 19, about 10:00 o'clock and work out with our Varsity and Freshmen Basketball players in : Robinson Gymmasiuge It is not necessary thet you bring any athletic . equipments We will check out equipment to you and you will heve a lot of fun shooting goals and playing informally fron 10300 to 121505 Our Varsity Basketball Pinyere will be dressed and siti put on a few drilis, but nothing elaborates. You merely check out equipment and go with the boys on the floor and have a lot of fun shooting baskets, then take a shower, and you are ready fer an early start for the oute standing Kansas Relayse We will have a ticket ready for you for the Kensas Relays in the afternoons Our purpose is having you hore ie Ven a are to meet our Varsity pleyerte : . I trust that it will be possible for you to comes Please let - me hear fran you st your convenientées If there is anything that i ean do in the way of giving you inforsation or rendering you any service that you should need, it will be @ picasure to have you call on mee. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yOura, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach ‘Ase