‘February 27, 1941 tre Yrnest Je Vanek Pichite High School forth Vichite, Kansas beer Praie: Thank you for your good letter of the 19th instant. Paul Walker has written thet he will come up and stay at the fe Te Oo house and will work out with us on Saturdey morning, _ April 19. There is one hitch in this arrangement thet I am trying to correct. Theat is, I have promised to take baseball this spring and the basebeli team is scheduled to play et Norman, Oklahoma, on April 18th and 19the M“Yowever, I heve written Jap Heskell end asked thet he move it up so thet I can be here on thet dete. I em hoping to be here and do everything possible to tall Ke Ue to the boy. You will Ist me mow how the wind blows in *ie directions Thanks for your letter regarding Hoyt Baker. “is brother transferred from Baker University thie semester and last ‘jonday I hed @ talk with hime I believe that we will land Hoyt, but I am not going to be too sure. ‘tre family is coming up for the Oxlehom. gene on March 7. ‘I alse thank you for the information on fugginss ‘e will consider his ecademic stending, ond we shall do ell we can to forestall our good friend, Frosty. Lots of success to you and the lrse, Ernie! “Sincerely yours, FCA:lgimin | Director ef Physical Fducation end Recreation Versity Basketball Coach : Pe Se We are enclosing © copy of the letter that we wrote to Peul Walker in reply to “is letter to use