March 20, 1941 Tae Robert Hunt 1527 Massachusetts Ste Lawrence, Kansas fear Reve Hunts I have delayed in aclmowledging your extreme kindness in writing Mre Paul Baker of Peabody, Kansas regarding his ' gon, Hoyt Bakers I appreciate very much your interest and assure you thet it will always be a pleasure for me to reciprocate your many kindnesses.s Again thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach NS RE SE IR OR ERT ARS ET ORR ET SN ee een eee February 28, 1941 vr, Paul Baker, Peabody, Kansease My dear Mr. Baker:- I feel that I need no introduction to you be- cause I have been told you are a Nethodist, and there ig always @ bond of friendshiv between Methodists even i? they have never met. : I have been told that you have a soti who is contemplating attending Kansas University next year, I thought perhaps’a word from me might be helpful in making your final decision in this matter, | oS % - De I have been the Minister at the Methodist Church here in Lawrences, Kansas for ton years, and am in a posi- tion to know gomething about the moral and religious influences in and about the University. My son anddaughter were craduated from Kenses Uriversity lest June. My boy was on the basket- ball squad and made his letter, also made a letter plaving shortstop on the University Baseball team, I know something about the scholastic standing of the school, also much of the background of the athletic sot-up. oe Dr. Porrest Allen, our EBaskot ball coach, is a member of the First Methodist Church, on the Official Foard, and every fall for a period of time is a regular teacher in the University department of our Sunday School. I consider — him one of the finest moral influences I have ever known in any athBetic department of any school. Wy boy played ucder him and respects him highly. I have had occasion to watch him work with his boys many times and any boy will be more of a man when Dr. Allen ssts through with him than before, There is a complete absence of rougiiness of speech and looseness of character mary times found in the athistic programs of some schools. Dr. Alien attends the “ethodist chureh and oftimes is accompanied by some of his basket ball bovs. Every year they are the guests of the church at a service in thetr honor. Howard Engleman, Hobby Allen and Ralph Miller are + members of the Methodist church here, and T.P, Huntcr ,(another 0 member of the tean) while not a member here never misses a Sunday service. Dr. Allen attracts the men of character. ee eee te tes Every Sunday we have lare numbers of University Young men attending our Worship services. In fact the youns men attend church much better than the young women of the University. Dr. Edwin F. Price, Minister to students, has been here for 19 years giving his full time to the religious life of students. I have no hesitancy in recommending the school, the church or Dr. Allen and his athletic progrem,. He insists on character and good prades as well as athletic ability. If your boy comes to Lawrence next year I shall be happy to meet him and gtve hin every assistance possible, It may interest you to know that my Own son went through the University, also fraternity life and athletics, and came out without smoking, drinking or swearing, and is as clean as @ young man can possibly be. He is now teaching and coaching in a High School with marvelous success, He is being complimented highly on the tnfluenes he is having with the boys with whom he works, I know a father’s hope and ambition for his son, and his interest in having the most wholesome atmospheres about him. You will always have reason to be thankful, as I have, for the uplifting influence of a man lixe Dr. Allen. | When you visit Lawrence, I wovld be. hanpy to meet you and visit with you, and tell you something more about my observations over these ten years I have been here, With best wishes, I remain, Most cordially, Se TE TERESE Te ESE TERE ETE TELE SE TERE ESE ME SEE th dE HE Robert A ® Hunt 1527 Wassachusetts Street Lawrence, Kansas, Merch 5, 1942 Dre WeCe Jessen Peabody, Kansas Dear Dr» Jessen: | ‘This will acknowledge receipt of your favor of the Srd instante I also have a letter from Mr. Paul Bakers We will be very happy to see all of you here for the Oklahana gante : 7 : We will make it a point to see that our Varsity boys show hoyt every courtesy and consideration, and of course, they will extend an invitation to Hoyt to stay with themes I . imagine, however, that lioyt will prefer to stay with his brother, Heath, at Battenfeld Hall, one of the men's dormitories, if it is at all possible, I may try to make a trip to Newton to see a part of the tournament. I have never done this heretofore, but since Mre Drake is getting around inte our State so often it might be well for him to be seen by me and other Kansas coachese We never take in the Oklehoma or the Missouri tournaments, but the other boys never mind coming inte our territorye 3 Doubtless I will be in the office when you drive into lawrence, so stop by and say hello ! i am taking the matter up with Gwinn Henry regarding his meeting Hoyte I know Gwinn will be delighted to see him and have a visit and encourage him to come to Kansas, : | I am referring the letters you have written to C Henry so he can see what you have to say regarding Hoyt's eapabilities and possibilities. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of cal Education and Recreation FOAglg _ ; Varsity Bak ll Coach cG: Me Henry Mareh 5, 1942 Mre Paul Ee Baker The Peabody Hardware & Lumber COe« Peabody, Kansas Dear Mr. Baker: I was very happy to have your good letter of the let instant and we are delighted that your family will be able te see our game with Oklahoma on March 7e We have made arrangements for the tickets and we will also see that the boys of the squad show Hoyt every courtesy and consideration that a University Squad should show to a prose pective students — You will find this, Mre Baker, that our boys are a fine democretic group and they are not recruited on account of their athletic ability but more on accomt of their intelligence and ability to make progress in an academic way in an edueational institutions I think after you have looked over the personnel of our group on the floor you will find that what I have just said is very truge It will be a pleasure to greet you on Friday night; until then, i am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ® x The Peabody Hardware & Latter o Peabody, Kansas March Ist I94I Mr Forrest C. Allen Lawrence = Kansase Dear Mr. Allen: Received your kind letter of February 25th concarning Heath and Hoyt Baker and happy to hear of your good visit with Heath who is in school at Kansas University and located at Battenfeld Hall. We surely appreciate your kind invitation to comé to Lawrence Friday evening, March 7th for the Oklahoma game. If the weather permits we will try and come. If we cannot come we will send Hoyt anyway by Bus. There will probably be six of us in the party counting Dr. Jessen and his Wife, Dr. Jessen will probably write to you also about the Oklahoma game. Thanking you again for your kind consideration and especially — sincere interest in Hoyt. Co Fe fo 4 February 25, 1941 Dre ie C. Jessen Peabody, Kansas Dear Dr, Jessen: Confirming our telephone ‘chciintion of yesterday morning and acknowledging receipt of your good letter of the 22nd instant enclosing several clippings, I »eg to state that we will be glad indeed to have you and the Baker family here for the Oklahoma game on Wareh 7, Yes indeed, I do renember Heweit very well, I have seen him play, and I eeonsider his one of the finest players I know, If Hoyt is a cross between ate S and Heweit he is a dandy. Je will be looking forward to seeing you and the baker family on March 7 for the Oklahoma game, With all good wishes, and in appreciation of (your cooperation, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Zducation and meeeees; ee Varsity Basketball Coach Box score—Peabody: PLAYER Baker J ohnsten Janzen 4Sanichez Bradshaw "Torres Sanchez, R. ‘ eoron hy eam 9 eer : . t OOS Ne noe Box score-—Hillsbonro: PLAYER FG Schroeder Dalke -Hiebert AJnruh wlerts (Pankratz Klein @nruh Ceooreorutd ke} RPOSSoOrW,5 Friday night the Warriors play a game with the Roosevelt High team on the home court. Tuesday night, Feb. 18, they-journey to’ Flor- enee for a game there. ‘TOURNAMENT RESULTS poeeee 39-28, MARION TAKES A PAIR MARION, Feb. 21 21.—Marion high defeated Hillsboro in a double head- er here tonight. Marion won the second team game, 26 to 17 and the main game, 32 to 30. Bledsoe led for Marion while Schroeder and Hie- bert were high for Hillsboro. PEABODY TAKES TITLE PEABODY, Feb. 21—(?)—Pea- body high clinched the league bas-|jj ketball championship here tonight); with a victory over Council Grave, 44 to 25. The Victory was Peabody’s eighth in league play, without de- feat. It has still to play Marion a return game but can lose a game|¢j and win the title. Baker led tonight again, with 21 points. COLLEGE WRESTLING Iowa State Teachers 27; Nebras- ka 5. Al, PUBLICATIONS ‘Coal $6. 35 Wood-Coke Kansas Coal Co. 48-855 SECOND AND, OSAGE 48-355 "|\COAL—Free_ kindling with all grades, $3 ton up. ee Eagle, Okla., os igaae ee thracite. 810 S. St. Francis. 2-6032 31 Office, Store Equipment 62 USED OFFICE FURNITURE LOW PRICES on steel files, desks, chairs. tables and typewriters. Good used pedes- tal typewriter desks, $2 COLEMAN TYPEWRIT: % SUPPLY COMPANY 122-24-26 N. Market St. Phone 2-6468 WE BUY—Sell, trade, rent, repair type- writers, duplicators, big trades, terms. Business Equipment Co.. 132 N. Market. ADDING MACHINES — Calculators and typewriters. See us for bargains. Centra] 7. Typewriter, 145 _N. Broadway. CKLE, Musical Instruments 64 FINE PIANO BARGAINS HARVARD ..ccccccncsvcccoscece an KAUFMA 65.00 ENCH REMINGTON PLAYER ELLINGTON (Small) KRANICH & BA Rebuilt - Refinished - - Guaranteed Terms - Delivery in Kansas - Trade — 25 SPINETS FOR RENT — KING MUSIC CO. - - 244 North Main Tuning and Repairin W a@vuruay Yawn @ sera aie and “expect to win ‘from North with little trouble. The Red- ‘skins have. dropped one game to the ‘locals this season. PEABODY IS WINNER FLORENCE, KAN., Feb. 18.—Pea- body high trimmed Florence tonight, '40 to 29 in a rough game in which 29 fouls were called. Baker led the winners with 23 points. In the pre- lim, Florence second team won 18 to 17. College Basketball Wichita 52; Emporia Teachers 45. Kansas Wesleyan 55; Baker 42. S. M. U. 45; Texas A. & M. 40. West Texas State 76; Hardin Sim- mons 34. Florida 51; Stetson 42. Clemson 54; Wake Forest 53. Pittsburgh 38; Carnegie Tech 29. Ohio university 61; Miami 20. St. Ambrose 47; Penn 35. Dubuque 32; Wartburg 22. Central 50; Simpson 44. Kearney 44; Midland 26. Texas Wesleyan 61; McMurry col- lege 19. Rice 59; TCU 46, Doane 29; Hastings 26. Vee eee yo ardock . awson 93 ave Curfman 95 Winton Bouray ....93 Frank Schrader .. L. B. Noble Cc. K, Anderson ... Martin Lentz E. W. K, L. Woo Joe Rogers Paul K. Good Marion Good 98 94 Prin; erat 98 So gui 93 Allen Sees Better Luck Next Time KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18.—(AP) —Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas _ basketball coach, pre- dicted today “we will beat them when they come to Lawrence March 11” upon his return from Stillwater, Okla., and a 30 to 26 defeat by the Oklahoma A & M five. Allen pointed to the 34 fouls called in the contest and said it was a “typical Aggie-Kansas game.” “It was hard fought all the way and at the half three Aggies carried personal fouls against them which is indicative of the way the contest was played.” York 55; Wesleyan 37. W. C. Jessen, D. D. S. ron Kansas Lb - 22-4) Jticcal C..oen. , Placed td. oath Ize. dod fiat! lonet Lan 2 denn ee wd 3 hed . als ae February 25, 1941 dr, Paul Baker Peabody, Kansas ‘Dear dr, Baker: It is a pleasure to communicate with you regarding your two sons, Heath and Hoyt. I had a nice visit with Heath yesterday sorning for about haif an hour, and it was a real pleasure to talk to such an intelligent and progressive young “ane Of course, we are interested also in having Hoyt.with us, and I am very sure that with Heath's presence here and with the assistance we can give Hoyt in the way of work, you will make no mistake in having the two boys together at your own University of Kansas, You help pay taxes on their education, so why not avail yourself of this opportunity? Or. Jessen talked to te over the phone yesterday morning, an? he is planning to bring you and “rs, Baker and the rest of the family to Lawrence for the Oklahoma gase on “arch 7. It will indeed be a pleasure to see you and we will have tickets ready for you and your groupe : Anticipating the pleasure of sceing you again, 4” Oy 3 Sincerely yours, FCAzle:mln Director of Phrsical Education and Recreation | Varsity Basketball Cosch February 25, 1941 llr, Harry Baker Peabocy, Kansas Dear lr. Baker? I have met all of the Baker family with the exception of the Grandfather, I believe. : I talked with Dr. Jessen yesterday morning by telephone regarding the possibility of having you, your son, your daughter-in-iaw, and your grandsons, as well as Lr. dessen hiuself, present for our Oklehona-Kansas gane here on Friday night, “srch 7. The game starts at 7:30, and it will be a distinct pleasure to have you and yours #=s our guests for that game. I haa a fine visit with your grandson, Heath, yesterday morning, and I find him a sost agreeable and intelligent young man. ‘“e are hoping that Hoyt will join him here next fall, and that the two boys can have thet fine companionship and association that is enjoyed asong brothers who haye high ideals. Soth of them ere gifted with intelligence thut should sake their starding rank high here at the University of Aansas, Trusting that vou will be present with the rest of the family, and with kindest personal regards, I am, Sincerely yours, PCAslgsaln | Director of Physical Uducation and Kecreation . Varsity Basketbsil Coach Warech 12, 1942 . Mre Hoyt Baker Peabody, Kensas Deer Hoyt: I received @ letter from Dre Jessen last night during our game with Oklahoma Ae & Me It came special delivery, and in it was enclosed a regional tournement bracket, so A am follow=- ing your schedule clesclye I would like to be down at Newton tonight to see you play Auguste at 10:00 c'clockse Good luck to you in every way! I am counting on your going through and playing t*e winner in the top bracket Friday night at 10:00 o'clock. I am. going to make a definite effort to be there and see ~~ pley on Prideye I am sorry I can not meko it _——* I want you to imow thet tt was, a pleasure to have you with us, and we want to extend an invitation for the morning of the Relays. We would lie to heve you come to Lawrence and work out with our Versity besketball players < on April 19th, so you count on being with us, won't you? ee I em glad thet you like Vance all and the rest of the boyse We think they sre a crest outfit. But we will talk high school basketball now, and we are hoping you are victorious, and I am further hoping that I will be able to see you Fridays Until then, good luck, and kindest regards to you and your good familys I enjoyed meeting your splendid Grandfather and your Mother and Dad againe I think Dre Jossen is a prince of a fellow and you have a great friend and booster in hime I am writing him todaye with all good wishes, I em, Sincerely yours, ' FCA :1g:min Director of Physical Education and Recreation Versity Basketball Coach W. C. Jessen, D. D. S. ——— Kansas | Mok 3-2 8 Fs . tad. Phapaah Chop Kecrabc. . Visas Beat tf Coack. Pe 2k. - Mag. aD Hany (Bah. coat te gtok wach pear Bad) ovetetos te tae. 2 i , PH ark oe pent tn Ae otay hath Therm Prur Warake a2 7 age BO SPE = PE Ee eS Ee ee ee EE TRE TRE | W. C. Jessen, D. D. S. ree Kansas eS * cote a ge oo ee Fatty Me -. songs gs eS Plt fo feels 2 Frey. fisll. Cad W. C. Jessen, D. D. S. —, Kansas Wit wok /A 4/ Malik SD, Aeita: February 22, 1941 Dre WeSC. Jessen Peabody, Kansas Dear Dre Jessen; I have just returned fron Columbia, Missouri where we played the Tigers in basketball last nighte 1 am writing you another follow-up regarding Hoyt Balers | i was talking to Wayne Replogle this morning regarding Hoyt Bakers He tells me that he stopped at the Peabody High School on either November S or 4 and had a nice talk with Hoyte Again I wish to emphasize the fact that when we merely meet him and visit with him that carries very little weight as compared with offers and visits from other coachese You will remember when you were in my office with Mr, and Mrse _ Baker and Hoyt and his brother that we discussed almost everything that we could think of pertaining to school and the possibility of Noyt and his brother attending the Universitye I told them that we would help him in the way of work. I am wondering what you would advise me to do that we have not already done that would interest Hoyt Baker in the Universitye ! Do you think if I went out to Peabody and talked with his parents that i could add anything to what I very frankly stated to them when they wers in my office last year? This was during the time of the Kansas Reldjre I would like for you to write me very frankly and give me your idea for lending Hoyt Baker at the University of Kansase You suggested that.we send Hoyt sane tickets for the Oklahoma Aggie gam@e I am wondering if you will definitely find out if Hoyt will be playing in a tournament at that time (Merch 11) or if it will be possible for him to attend that game. I would be glad to extend the invitation to you and Hoyt and his family as my personal guests for that games _ I have just arranged to meet Heath Baker, Hoyt‘s brother, at 10,00 Monday morning for a conferences I will be glad to talk with him regarding \ the family's desires and possible needs in aiding Hoyt to get an educati one ‘With all good wishes, I em, | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation RAslg _ Varsity Basketball Coach February 2, 1941 Dre WeCe Jessen Peabody, Kansas Dear Dre Jessen: I acknowledge with deep gratitude your very good letter of February 12 ragarding Hoyt Bakere I assure you you never have bothered me and I appreciate your kindly insistence that we take more interest than we have shown in this fine boye ° . I want to be perfectly frank and honest with you. There is not a member of our basketball team thet has been given any special consideration from me aside from worke This goes for my twenty-five years of coaching experience here at the Universitye The fact that Frosty Cox and Bruce Drake and these. other coaches offer staggering propositions to these boys mikes it much more difficult for us to keep our boys here in the State to % you that I would rather have Hoyt Baker on my team than most any boy that I mow. This applies to the crop in the -high school in the State of Kansas at the present times Steve Hinshaw has not been with the University for some five or six years and there has been no effort to get basketball players to attend the University. The-only ones that come here are boys who come for an education or who simply desire to play on the teame There has been no special inducement offered the boyse But I do want you to kmow that I am tremendously interested in Hoyt Baker and I will make arrangements to have his brother drop in to see més I told Hoyt and his folks that we would give hima job, but you can see how difficult it is when someone tells me that he can get a $750.00 scholarship at Notre Dame. I plan, sometime when it is convenient, to drop out and see you and have a good talk with youe I also want to see Hoyt's parents because I do want to interest them in an education for Hoyt and not merely a basketball scholarship or a berth where a fellow can take things easy because he is an athlete. I readily understand the Baker family’s probleme The fact that they have five children to educate makes for a real financial problem. I do know, however, that this is his State University and we would be mighty happy to have him here, and I believe it would mean more to him in his own State University than it would if he went same place where he and the family are not knowne After all, it is the benefits and the satisfaction that a fellow gets fron an education rather than the money that is offered. Dre Jessen Page Two Febe 20, 1942 I am leaving tonight for Columbia where our team plays the Missouri Tigers and upon my return I will write you another letter amplifying this onee I saw the Baker family at Wichita and had a short visit with theme I want to assure you that I am interested in Hoyt and through the lack of interest that we do not pay more attention to hime We do not want him to feel that we are bidding for his servicese We are unable to offer the propositions that other out of state institutions offer. Thank you for your good wishes regarding the Oklahoma Aggies and I assure you we will do our level best to fulfill your command to UB fo ag 4% Thanking you for your kindness and interest in this very worthy boy, I OM, Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fdueation and Recreation . Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg W. C. Jessen, D. D. S. rs Kansas pek _ JB FES De Ford 1b Pe aici: [Kinona | oes. a W. C. Jessen, D. D. S.