NS RE SE IR OR ERT ARS ET ORR ET SN ee een eee February 28, 1941 vr, Paul Baker, Peabody, Kansease My dear Mr. Baker:- I feel that I need no introduction to you be- cause I have been told you are a Nethodist, and there ig always @ bond of friendshiv between Methodists even i? they have never met. : I have been told that you have a soti who is contemplating attending Kansas University next year, I thought perhaps’a word from me might be helpful in making your final decision in this matter, | oS % - De I have been the Minister at the Methodist Church here in Lawrences, Kansas for ton years, and am in a posi- tion to know gomething about the moral and religious influences in and about the University. My son anddaughter were craduated from Kenses Uriversity lest June. My boy was on the basket- ball squad and made his letter, also made a letter plaving shortstop on the University Baseball team, I know something about the scholastic standing of the school, also much of the background of the athletic sot-up. oe Dr. Porrest Allen, our EBaskot ball coach, is a member of the First Methodist Church, on the Official Foard, and every fall for a period of time is a regular teacher in the University department of our Sunday School. I consider — him one of the finest moral influences I have ever known in any athBetic department of any school. Wy boy played ucder him and respects him highly. I have had occasion to watch him work with his boys many times and any boy will be more of a man when Dr. Allen ssts through with him than before, There is a complete absence of rougiiness of speech and looseness of character mary times found in the athistic programs of some schools. Dr. Alien attends the “ethodist chureh and oftimes is accompanied by some of his basket ball bovs. Every year they are the guests of the church at a service in thetr honor. Howard Engleman, Hobby Allen and Ralph Miller are + members of the Methodist church here, and T.P, Huntcr ,(another 0 member of the tean) while not a member here never misses a Sunday service. Dr. Allen attracts the men of character.