ee eee te tes Every Sunday we have lare numbers of University Young men attending our Worship services. In fact the youns men attend church much better than the young women of the University. Dr. Edwin F. Price, Minister to students, has been here for 19 years giving his full time to the religious life of students. I have no hesitancy in recommending the school, the church or Dr. Allen and his athletic progrem,. He insists on character and good prades as well as athletic ability. If your boy comes to Lawrence next year I shall be happy to meet him and gtve hin every assistance possible, It may interest you to know that my Own son went through the University, also fraternity life and athletics, and came out without smoking, drinking or swearing, and is as clean as @ young man can possibly be. He is now teaching and coaching in a High School with marvelous success, He is being complimented highly on the tnfluenes he is having with the boys with whom he works, I know a father’s hope and ambition for his son, and his interest in having the most wholesome atmospheres about him. You will always have reason to be thankful, as I have, for the uplifting influence of a man lixe Dr. Allen. | When you visit Lawrence, I wovld be. hanpy to meet you and visit with you, and tell you something more about my observations over these ten years I have been here, With best wishes, I remain, Most cordially, Se TE TERESE Te ESE TERE ETE TELE SE TERE ESE ME SEE th dE HE Robert A ® Hunt 1527 Wassachusetts Street Lawrence, Kansas,