Merch 5, 1942 Dre WeCe Jessen Peabody, Kansas Dear Dr» Jessen: | ‘This will acknowledge receipt of your favor of the Srd instante I also have a letter from Mr. Paul Bakers We will be very happy to see all of you here for the Oklahana gante : 7 : We will make it a point to see that our Varsity boys show hoyt every courtesy and consideration, and of course, they will extend an invitation to Hoyt to stay with themes I . imagine, however, that lioyt will prefer to stay with his brother, Heath, at Battenfeld Hall, one of the men's dormitories, if it is at all possible, I may try to make a trip to Newton to see a part of the tournament. I have never done this heretofore, but since Mre Drake is getting around inte our State so often it might be well for him to be seen by me and other Kansas coachese We never take in the Oklehoma or the Missouri tournaments, but the other boys never mind coming inte our territorye 3 Doubtless I will be in the office when you drive into lawrence, so stop by and say hello ! i am taking the matter up with Gwinn Henry regarding his meeting Hoyte I know Gwinn will be delighted to see him and have a visit and encourage him to come to Kansas, : | I am referring the letters you have written to C Henry so he can see what you have to say regarding Hoyt's eapabilities and possibilities. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of cal Education and Recreation FOAglg _ ; Varsity Bak ll Coach cG: Me Henry