February 25, 1941 Dre ie C. Jessen Peabody, Kansas Dear Dr, Jessen: Confirming our telephone ‘chciintion of yesterday morning and acknowledging receipt of your good letter of the 22nd instant enclosing several clippings, I »eg to state that we will be glad indeed to have you and the Baker family here for the Oklahoma game on Wareh 7, Yes indeed, I do renember Heweit very well, I have seen him play, and I eeonsider his one of the finest players I know, If Hoyt is a cross between ate S and Heweit he is a dandy. Je will be looking forward to seeing you and the baker family on March 7 for the Oklahoma game, With all good wishes, and in appreciation of (your cooperation, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Zducation and meeeees; ee Varsity Basketball Coach