W a@vuruay Yawn @ sera aie and “expect to win ‘from North with little trouble. The Red- ‘skins have. dropped one game to the ‘locals this season. PEABODY IS WINNER FLORENCE, KAN., Feb. 18.—Pea- body high trimmed Florence tonight, '40 to 29 in a rough game in which 29 fouls were called. Baker led the winners with 23 points. In the pre- lim, Florence second team won 18 to 17. College Basketball Wichita 52; Emporia Teachers 45. Kansas Wesleyan 55; Baker 42. S. M. U. 45; Texas A. & M. 40. West Texas State 76; Hardin Sim- mons 34. Florida 51; Stetson 42. Clemson 54; Wake Forest 53. Pittsburgh 38; Carnegie Tech 29. Ohio university 61; Miami 20. St. Ambrose 47; Penn 35. Dubuque 32; Wartburg 22. Central 50; Simpson 44. Kearney 44; Midland 26. Texas Wesleyan 61; McMurry col- lege 19. Rice 59; TCU 46, Doane 29; Hastings 26. Vee eee yo ardock . awson 93 ave Curfman 95 Winton Bouray ....93 Frank Schrader .. L. B. Noble Cc. K, Anderson ... Martin Lentz E. W. K, L. Woo Joe Rogers Paul K. Good Marion Good 98 94 Prin; erat 98 So gui 93 Allen Sees Better Luck Next Time KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18.—(AP) —Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas _ basketball coach, pre- dicted today “we will beat them when they come to Lawrence March 11” upon his return from Stillwater, Okla., and a 30 to 26 defeat by the Oklahoma A & M five. Allen pointed to the 34 fouls called in the contest and said it was a “typical Aggie-Kansas game.” “It was hard fought all the way and at the half three Aggies carried personal fouls against them which is indicative of the way the contest was played.” York 55; Wesleyan 37.