Warech 12, 1942 . Mre Hoyt Baker Peabody, Kensas Deer Hoyt: I received @ letter from Dre Jessen last night during our game with Oklahoma Ae & Me It came special delivery, and in it was enclosed a regional tournement bracket, so A am follow=- ing your schedule clesclye I would like to be down at Newton tonight to see you play Auguste at 10:00 c'clockse Good luck to you in every way! I am counting on your going through and playing t*e winner in the top bracket Friday night at 10:00 o'clock. I am. going to make a definite effort to be there and see ~~ pley on Prideye I am sorry I can not meko it _——* I want you to imow thet tt was, a pleasure to have you with us, and we want to extend an invitation for the morning of the Relays. We would lie to heve you come to Lawrence and work out with our Versity besketball players < on April 19th, so you count on being with us, won't you? ee I em glad thet you like Vance all and the rest of the boyse We think they sre a crest outfit. But we will talk high school basketball now, and we are hoping you are victorious, and I am further hoping that I will be able to see you Fridays Until then, good luck, and kindest regards to you and your good familys I enjoyed meeting your splendid Grandfather and your Mother and Dad againe I think Dre Jossen is a prince of a fellow and you have a great friend and booster in hime I am writing him todaye with all good wishes, I em, Sincerely yours, ' FCA :1g:min Director of Physical Education and Recreation Versity Basketball Coach