February 22, 1941 Dre WeSC. Jessen Peabody, Kansas Dear Dre Jessen; I have just returned fron Columbia, Missouri where we played the Tigers in basketball last nighte 1 am writing you another follow-up regarding Hoyt Balers | i was talking to Wayne Replogle this morning regarding Hoyt Bakers He tells me that he stopped at the Peabody High School on either November S or 4 and had a nice talk with Hoyte Again I wish to emphasize the fact that when we merely meet him and visit with him that carries very little weight as compared with offers and visits from other coachese You will remember when you were in my office with Mr, and Mrse _ Baker and Hoyt and his brother that we discussed almost everything that we could think of pertaining to school and the possibility of Noyt and his brother attending the Universitye I told them that we would help him in the way of work. I am wondering what you would advise me to do that we have not already done that would interest Hoyt Baker in the Universitye ! Do you think if I went out to Peabody and talked with his parents that i could add anything to what I very frankly stated to them when they wers in my office last year? This was during the time of the Kansas Reldjre I would like for you to write me very frankly and give me your idea for lending Hoyt Baker at the University of Kansase You suggested that.we send Hoyt sane tickets for the Oklahoma Aggie gam@e I am wondering if you will definitely find out if Hoyt will be playing in a tournament at that time (Merch 11) or if it will be possible for him to attend that game. I would be glad to extend the invitation to you and Hoyt and his family as my personal guests for that games _ I have just arranged to meet Heath Baker, Hoyt‘s brother, at 10,00 Monday morning for a conferences I will be glad to talk with him regarding \ the family's desires and possible needs in aiding Hoyt to get an educati one ‘With all good wishes, I em, | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation RAslg _ Varsity Basketball Coach