Dre Jessen Page Two Febe 20, 1942 I am leaving tonight for Columbia where our team plays the Missouri Tigers and upon my return I will write you another letter amplifying this onee I saw the Baker family at Wichita and had a short visit with theme I want to assure you that I am interested in Hoyt and it.is.not through the lack of interest that we do not pay more attention to hime We do not want him to feel that we are bidding for his servicese We are unable to offer the propositions that other out of state institutions offer. Thank you for your good wishes regarding the Oklahoma Aggies and I assure you we will do our level best to fulfill your command to UB fo ag 4% Thanking you for your kindness and interest in this very worthy boy, I OM, Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fdueation and Recreation . Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg