August 12, 194l. Mr. John Warren Jacks, Coats, Kansas, Dear John: 7 Your letter of August llth has just beon received, @nd I have immediately called Miss Velma Wilson, secretary of the NYA Office here. I asked her if she had the trans= eript of your. grades and she advised me that it had not arrived as yet but she had written to the principal of your high school and she should be hearing before Friday of this weeks : The jobs are allocated this next Friday end if your principal has not sent them in be sure that you have him do so with e special delivery stamp on the envelope so that she will receive it on or before Friday. I would suggest that you address it to Miss Wilson at the NYA office here at the University. | atid iu is atin sasbe tac ine wk St your grades are as good as you say they are I see no reason why you should not receive very careful consideration. I am very happy to have had you stop in, and if there is any way that I can extend favors to you now and in the future it will be a pleasure to do 800 With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Biuoation and Recreation, : FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.