, July 3rd, 1941 Mr. Glenn "Ducky" Teel Caldwell, Kansas Dear "Ducky" t I have just finished talking to Arnold's Market and find that they are not quite certain as to what boy they will hire. They have a young boy there nemed Harwood who is attending the University and if he comes back to school at the University, doubt- less they will take him on. I called Hunter Bros., but Wr. Hunter will not be back until late this afternoon. Then I called Mr. Landreth and he stated thet he had also received a letter from you but he had not angwered it as yet but he was going to tell you when he wrote, for you to come in and ses him when you get to town. He hires several boys each year and I feel pretty certéin thet you will get a job at this place if you please him. He is a fine gentleman and has three wonderful children, two of whom have finished with excep- tionally fine honors in the University and the third one was an outstanding student in High School. So, I believe you have good prospects there. As I suggested, I would come up a.little early so that you can be one of the first on the ground. The old adage, "The early bird catches the worm", is still true. With best wishes to you and all of our good Caldwell friends, I am, Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation- Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA: re