Kenneth Love, Hutchinson Junior College Bill McCloud, Newton High School Mike Vargon, Wyandotte High School Kenny Johnson, Topeka High School Hugh Haire, Herrington Johnny Short, Salina Earl 'Pug' Harrison, May 9th, 1941 Hutchinson — Mr. Hoyt Beker Peabody, Kansas Dear Hoyts It was a pleasure to have had you at our Third Annual Basketball “get~to-gether,"” at Robinson Gymnasium on the morning of our Kansas Relayse | : I trust that you enjoyed the Kansas Relays in the afternoon. I kmow that our boys on the Varsity and Fresh= men team greatly enjoyed meeting you and having you wit us as our guest. Have you definitely decided where you are going to sollege this next fall? Of course, you're too young for the draft, so I'm sure that every young man who has an opportunity to go to sollege will be thinking seriously of doing s0. ; I'll be happy to hear from you as to whether there is anything I can do in giving you information concerning your college coursée Trusting you will come again, I remain, Sincerely yours, é Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCAseh Bill Forsyth, Medicine Lodge Herbert Borgman, Athol ; William Erickson, Leavenworth Glenn Talle, Yates Center Don Maison, Lyons Otto Schnellbacher, Sublette — ; Junior Bennett, Ottawa James Roderick, Wetmore Curtis Hinshaw, Lawrence Horace Higgins, Junior College Harold McSpadden, E1Dorado Coffeyville, KS © Stanley Mollhagen, Lorraine Alton Wylie, Seneca Paul Walker, 1253 Woodrow Wichita, Kansas September &, 1941. Mr. Dell Davidson, Stadium. Dear Ur. Davidson: Will you kindly put Gifford Roux to with your crew at the stadiug? He is here to go to and is ready for work before school starts. Wis time is be charged to Physical Education. Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AE Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coachs Lepgrk Rowr [Se p 2 . ge Neugbt- wrth | 75° July 21, 194le tire, Gifford Roux, Romana, Illinois. Lear Gifford: I have your two letters of July 9th.and 18th, © and want to assure you. that we will give you a job at $5¢ an hour for two hours a daye Then of course you will have your Saturdays for additional works Congratulations on the very fine, eta seega Sethe’ Sink nee beak arition: i am glad to see that you ae are in earnest about wanting to cone = eer = * Hanaes to got your education. 3 : + ehicen cbiuc ac Os suck Oo wees few days early, if you can, and upon your arrival if you will come direstiy to my office ' will be glad to help you in any way possible. of course, you have doubtless sent — your official hich school transcript to the Registrar's ffiee by this timo. i den Senidae Perdehd Gi deena ae le BG” : cod Delieve that you will enjoy & very jofitable year , Sineerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAH : Varsity —— Coache 4 duly 2, 1941¢ a8 Oe ee d ie . : ball he i ay egiets Tagae = aS htt i if H a mt ad Wp ui a —_ : 0 dl : re abs Be Wak ze a ee ee FES Sa TPES Sepa PFC ee eS a Ee x Te Sa ae = a SSeS ae Nees eee sae ve SePagies feck . } : za ee EAST - ALTON WOOD RIVER COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 144 MADISON COUNTY OFFICERS DIRECTORS E. F. Counsil, President WOOD RIVER, ILL. F. M. Leever L. L. Ricks, Secretary H. W. Ringering R. A. Scheer, Principal J. B. Wainright Hume zoe 194/ Hear Gack Whe. wat riled b Work Rue EAST -ALTON WOOD RIVER COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL OFFICERS E. F. Counsil, President L. L. Ricks, Secretary R. A. Scheer, Principal WOOD RIVER, ILL. DISTRICT NUMBER 144 MADISON COUNTY DIRECTORS F, M. Leever H.W. Ringering J. B. Wainright June 19th, 1941 Mr. Charles F. Summers Coach of Basketball Wood River, Illinois Dear Coach Surmers: } Pardon me for not answering your good letter of April 1&th, sooner. I find that your letter was mislaid in a mass of correspondence and since I coached baseball immediately after my basketball season, and further since I have had forty two consecutive nights of speaking dates here in the Grapefruit and Lettuce ieegue or Commencements in Sighsehools as well as the University Commencement, I'm sure you can partially pardon me for my delay. You are very kind to write recommending Gifford Roux, arid I assure you that I would indeed like to have him with me. The University of Kansas does not provide any scholar- ship but of course, I would be very happy to give him work. Everyone is forced to pay tuition at the University of Kansas. Wo one escapes. But, I am interested in him and will do anything I can to help him. Will you write me again and inform ‘me if Gifford Roux has rade any plams for next year? . I would not bleme hitiat all if he hed because I hed failed to answer your letter with any degree of promise. I assure you, how- ever, it was not intentional. With deep appreciation, I an, Sincerely yours, .. Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCAs re psd 16 2A | i Fut @ Wh Barkdt Ball Comoh i> \LOMALAL Zz Serene |x tne W ait fey a ork wel te yee a Cd whad. J) ow dons jvd tha tg + Ol re AL uta wee "4 Coot Feng we i fast ie a pho yor eee ek pe te rl ea aaa bas ag Fh bil cbt ay om he dae Bee ol Mig tp tat hendas cr tabi te i tte okt ar afore puch age (Toba fr ttl in Ww Vege he es a April 26, 1942 lie Charles. Le Summers Coach of Basketball Wood River, Illinois Dear Coach Summorss Your letter of April 15 regarding Gifford Roux has been received, Dre Allen is out of town at the present tine on baseball tripse As secon as he returns your letter will be brought to his attentions Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Forrest Ce Allen June 20, 2 lire Charles Sumers, - *Bastellten “ood River Comaummity High School, Wood River, Illinois. Dear Mr» Summorss i have written you only a few days age, and in this morning's mail I received a letter from Otte Rost highly recommending Gifford Roux, the young man that you wrote mo about. I greatly appreciate your interest in young Rour's behalf, and I pledge you my full cooperation in helping this boy in every way that I can. Won"t you write ms and tell me if there is 2S oo ree ae Awaiting your velued letter, I am Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physieal Education and oerentten, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Goache _ EAST - ALTON WOOD RIVER COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Se DISTRICT NUMBER 144 MADISON COUNTY OFFICERS DIRECTORS E. F. Counsil, President WOOD RIVER. ILL. F. M. Leever L. L. Ricks, Secretary H. W. Ringering R. A. Scheer, Principal : J. B. Wainright May 25, 1941 Mr. Otto Rost 6405-A Potomac Street St. Louis, Missouri Dear Mr. Rost: Since you are a Kansas University graduate you would like to do something for dear old Kansas no doubt. Well, here's what you can do that will be a good turn for Kansas and me too. One of the greatest ball players I have ever had wants to go to Kansas U. to play basket- ball for "Phog" Allen. He is Gifford Roux, one of my boys last year. He is 18 years old, 6! 3", and weighs 170 pounds. Really Rost, he will be a great college ball player. There isn't any need for me to say any more about the boy to you. I don't know whether you worked any of the games he played in or not. Ask your brother Bruce at Lowe & Campbell, he has heard about the boy. I have written to Coach Allen, but I know © if an alumnus would show interest in the boy, it would carry more weight. Sincerely yours, ’ Charles Summers CLS/meh a. ae ft na Fa en cabal September 8, 1941. Stadium. — Dear Mh. Davidson: Will you kindly put Otte Sehnellbecher to work with your crew at the stadium? He is here to go to _ gehool, and is ready for work before school starts. His time is to be charged to Physical Education. | Thamk you. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, ' PCA: AR Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. — poe? 50,194] Ly PCO 7 (bey Vilar tthe. Cla: WP 4Cre ofa AL pow Z4« BM aw. ee PS OAH ane ww". Coa og Aocholor po CA Gel owt 2 Ti Septeuber 8, 1941 Sea a eee és rh ba oe seg 3 ir, Dell Davidson, University ef Kansas gtads Dear lire Davidson: h your crew at the stadium? He is here to go to school, te seuient os school starts. His time is be charged to Physical Educatione Thank yous et Sincerely yours, : : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Cosohe August 2, 1941. Mr. Robert Lloyd, Princeton, Kansas. Dear Robert: a _ your baseball ability and he stated that he was going to endeavor _ to get you to matriculate at the University of Kansas. Of course, we would be happy to have you here and I am sure that you realize that the great opportunity would come to you in getting an education. We pay 35/ an hour for work and it is always possible for all students to work two hours e day and carry a full academics load. But if a student works three hours a dey then the deans curtail the number of hours to 12. A full load is 15 hours. Personally, I think that a boy makes a mistake to work too many hours end thereby ‘loses the opportumity to carry a full course. . The Big Six rules state that an athlete mst have passing work in 27 hours the two preceding semesters. If a boy : carries 15 hours a semester his total acowmletion would be 30 hours, and if a boy should have a little bad luck and fail a course, which I hope you won't do, then he would fall below the 27 hours required for him to participate in athletics, _ | Now you will understand, Robert, that while I have ‘mentioned the required number of hours for athletic competition, I do not believe that athletics are the most important pert of your school life. In fact, it is the most wnimportent part. In ten or _ twenty years you men who graduate from the University will be running this state. I say that with no flattery intended because I can re~ member when I was in college with Alf Lendon, Roy Roberts of the Kensas City Star, Tom Grant of the Busines: Men's Assurance of Kansas ‘City, Meurice Breidenthal, president of the. Security National Bank, Tom Sweeney, president of the Peoples State Bank, Walter Thiele, associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge Hugh Means, and so many others too numerous to mention. These men then were just youncsters like you and Dean Vartin. But before long shaps got into - pleees of trust end the old-timers went the of all life. It was then that these fellows took over and they in very important and responsible positions, 4 Ze ie ee Pies’ Gites te your ehetink: wat Genes thing is getting acquainted with the leaders at the University. Your athletics introduce you favorably to society and business. — You make friends, but you have got to have the ability to deliver the goods to keep your friends, beceuse @ winner likes a winner’. é/ad winners move with winners, That is why athletice are evaluated os highly as they are by the educators, You train end scrap and fight and pley for e goal, which is the game that you try to win. But the educators are not interested in the fellow who only wants to play end doesn't want to get the mein things thet the educators hand out to the youth, and that is an education. — : Robert, you can talk to Dean and he can tell you — ebout what it cost him, And I cen promise you'a job. If you can work extra hours we can give it to you, but I do mot want you to - count on working too many hours which would prove to be a detriment '\ te your school work. I do aot believe that your parents would want you to do that. Doubtless you have saved some money this sumer, and while you might make the most of your expenses, there is a thought in my mind that you might get 111 and not be able to work, and chen you wont be cutting your cloth too closely. ib ok nec earings A ters Ieaguesd-Oek Suenebe ta artin told me that you were & fine boy and that you wanted an enon etlons | I do not go out efter athletes because I realise thet. the University's reputation has been builded by great educators | end great teashers, and it is not the coaches who build the reputation of the University. And too, I do mot want to confuse the boy with the idea that he is in a position to do mich for the University at present. Ee only honors the University when he graduates and goes out inte the field and mkes a success. ee RR acetate Su , | Sad cueii he: debte-tas> Coun tibialis tink At! gone portunity I would be glad to have you come up eny- morning end : a talk with me, . Doubtless you could ride up with Dean some time 1 am:in wy offiee eesh morning end ‘would be happy to be ade i ahead of time if you plan on coming. I think e conversation pould clear up many things that letter-writing sometimes fails to do. an having a catalog of the University sent to you, and I am mailing brochure on physical education which you oan look over. Per= you mey want to take engineering, journalism, law or medicine. Sab me ieee weak you: have-in mice . Sincerely yours, rte o Se Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ae ee ee Vi i . f ee . Or a 5I)Y), hl We lo eae