Kenneth Love, Hutchinson Junior College Bill McCloud, Newton High School Mike Vargon, Wyandotte High School Kenny Johnson, Topeka High School Hugh Haire, Herrington Johnny Short, Salina Earl 'Pug' Harrison, May 9th, 1941 Hutchinson — Mr. Hoyt Beker Peabody, Kansas Dear Hoyts It was a pleasure to have had you at our Third Annual Basketball “get~to-gether,"” at Robinson Gymnasium on the morning of our Kansas Relayse | : I trust that you enjoyed the Kansas Relays in the afternoon. I kmow that our boys on the Varsity and Fresh= men team greatly enjoyed meeting you and having you wit us as our guest. Have you definitely decided where you are going to sollege this next fall? Of course, you're too young for the draft, so I'm sure that every young man who has an opportunity to go to sollege will be thinking seriously of doing s0. ; I'll be happy to hear from you as to whether there is anything I can do in giving you information concerning your college coursée Trusting you will come again, I remain, Sincerely yours, é Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCAseh Bill Forsyth, Medicine Lodge Herbert Borgman, Athol ; William Erickson, Leavenworth Glenn Talle, Yates Center Don Maison, Lyons Otto Schnellbacher, Sublette — ; Junior Bennett, Ottawa James Roderick, Wetmore Curtis Hinshaw, Lawrence Horace Higgins, Junior College Harold McSpadden, E1Dorado Coffeyville, KS © Stanley Mollhagen, Lorraine Alton Wylie, Seneca Paul Walker, 1253 Woodrow Wichita, Kansas