August 6, 1940 ire Glenn St» Aubyn Russell, Zansas . Dear Glenns coming falle 1 want you to mow how happy I an that we ar . | Bub Schaffer and his family heave been clese friends of ours and if you are as fine a gentleman and as purposeful a young man ag Bub than T am sure that we could ask nothing eleee In fact, everything thet I have heard soneeming you measures up to those I vant you to gome to my office when you come on Mount Oreade If thore is any way thet I can help you it will be a pleasure — to do 809 My son, bob, end all the members of the Kansas varsity in every way possible, I think you will be quite surprised at the — friendliness that you will find heres So many people tell you that. the University is highehate In my opinion nothing is further fron both friendly end ultra-democretice ‘We woloome you most heartilye © Aweiiting the pleasure of seeing you at the opening of Director of Physical fdueation and Recreation — Varsity Basketball Coach FCA sh