February 3, 1942 Mite HeCe Uhls, Chairman Boys Physical Education ‘Redcado Union High Sehool Redoude Beach, California Dear lire Uhlss eg | ! | Thank you very much for your very good letter of Janvary 136 Iam sorry that I have not answered you sooner, but I have been out of town much with the team and my adminis trative work has piled up and I have not been able to answer letters as promptly as I should like. i want te thank you for recommending Armand Dixon graduates from your school in the springs. There is only Gc _ HeSeg that I am afraid of and that is tuitions For out of state students the tuition is $75.00 per semester, "6 have no funds to take care of this, as do some of the colleges, and I am afraid this may operate against his coming to the Tniversitye You state that he is the usual poor boy athlete. If he could get monoy for tuition, I am sure thet we could give him work that would enable him to make his board and rooms that is, if he is the type of fellow who will work and not depend upon his athletic ability as e recommendation for his work instead of his own initiative and his onergys If you fecl that he is the type of boy that might desire an education and is willing to work, I would be happy to help hime Please write me and give me your opinion of thite | With all good wishes, and wishing you the best of luck, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation. ‘Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig