BF g Rec ea EF sik tie ec ad tlle Gal ak ano ea tnd ein: ina "atten up to the prema: eo thet I my help you in any wy I- | oe : RAED geet sehen, Ty, Sonal vos Varsity Basketball Coach Dipeoter of Physical snentienl and | Reoreation August 8, 1940. : ject TA ponents it TERA ern ma better to * rum could Very sincerely ‘yours, 1217 State Street Dear Dire Linles Your letter of August 11 addressed to Mr. PeCe Allen arrived at his office after he md left for the University of Texas, lle expeots to be there until the 17th of August for a short basketball. coaching clinics. ‘The following week he will be in Topeka for the Kansag Nigh School Coaching Schoole _ _ &$ soon as Dre Allen returns to the office letter will be brought to his attentions T an your sure he will be glad to help you with your problene Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Fe Ce itlene August 23, 1940 Mre Max Gray 209 Hast Polk Street engin TO Dear Mass ae x ewe: your very good letter of the 2let instant and am sorry to ‘den ges Wild tues TAL alte cadesan, I am sure that you Texans are acquainted shige asennad el del tal Tt Ae ane Cg ee te specific fora Gewane. es : I ms plonged to Inow of tho progress that you lave made in eooneatos. I called lies Kemey and she gives you a good tele : flow, regarding the other 2shour sourse, I checked on that ‘alsce Ky < fuik teak Belaeeett Tan hoesueuehey saben, Dek by ebeeldl COMGLLIA — of the School of Ingineering they will permit you to take Basketball, a 2= hour couree, because you do not expect to use it in your engineering work but you are using it for eligibilitys I have asked Miss Kenney to write you and doubtless you will get a letter from her in the same mail that you receive . this epistle, Your text will be Better Basketball, so we can save you some money on thats We are loaning you one of Gur Goples and I believe you will find it interesting readings If you have need for a Basketball Rule Book — we will mil you one of tnose later, although I doubt not that Gordon has a beok ef his om that he will let you haves As soon as you conplete your six lessons you fire then ing Then take the examination and if I were you I would write Miss Kemey right away and aelz her to send you tho Basketball - lessons so that you will lose no tine betwoon the two courses. | eee ee a en September 1 and was driving dom for youe I hope thet your recovery is: rapid and that you will be in fine shane not only to do your sorrespandence work but to enjoy the trip back with your brother. I lmow no finer relation» ship that exists than between two men who heave crown up together and who numisilbiescl sures a Meee al momma . ; | 3 | With ali good wishes, tm ; Sineerely yourts Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach : WArig SC I wish you would explain this to Kemeth and his - fathers Tell him that I em happy Zemneth plans to attend the University and assure him that it would be a pleasure to visit with him if it ware possible, but under the con» ditions I em afreid this is impossible. I do hope that Kenneth will come to the office ‘as soon as he visits Wout Oroad, and when I got an oppor= a eee er 8 OS a ee ae An we can geo If , : ‘Fraternally your's, Direster of Physical Education and Recreation ‘Varsity Basketball Coach Use ROBINSON CODE LONG DISTANT PHONE DREXEL 1032 Blacker Milling and Grain Eo. ESTABLISHED 1899 “BLACKER’S QUALITY FLOUR” August 16, 1940 Dr. Porrest C. Allen, Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Kenneth Winters will be home Tuesday, August 20th. His father called me this morning and said his credits had been sent to the University of Kansas and have been accepted and that he is planning on entering Kansas University this fall. However, two other schools are after him and it might pay you to talk to him before September lst. I will try and get in touch with you next week so be prepared to come down and meet Kenneth. Praternally yours, JRBek Mire A» Lester Biberstein Attica, Kansas Dear Lester: ada Ss nes ee Yan? ‘Cons School at Austin, ani have been connected with the Kansas State lligh Sehool ‘3 ; faculty this wook. I have your letter of August 7 and shall got in toush with the Student Union Fountain ee ee ee ee ae It happens that “this caning Monday or Tuesday I an ‘amin: to leave for Louterille, Kentioly to visit ny danchtor aud grandchildren, and then doubtless I will gp from Louisville —s" to Chicago to meet with the NeCelele Executive Committee on tC a an the 6th and 7th of September. It my be that Iwillnot = return to Lewrence until the 10th, so I fear I may not ‘However, I trust you will be able to get along in good @hape witil i return and if you will drop in the office after the 10th I will be happy to help you in every wy Dixecter of Physical mducation and Reereation Varsity Dasketball Coach Attica, Kansas August 7, 1940 Dr. F. Cc. Allen Lawrenee, Kansas Dear Br. Allen: I was in Lawrenee last week making arrangements to attend K.U. this September. I called at your offiee several times but was never fortunate enough to find you. I will be forced to work outside for most of my expenses, but I would like very much to play basketball. . I think perhaps I shall get a job under Bud Owens at the Student Union fountain--a word from you might help a great deal. If not, I'm hoping for an N.Y.A. job. Here's a few words about me, and I'll eome to your office to see you arounf Sept. 9th. I played four years 6? 4.6; basketball, forward, 11 point average last two years. I attended Jr. College one year in California ‘but ecireumstances did not allow me to go out for athleties. - Family finanees and attempts at West Point and Annapolis (both failed because of slight dental defects) have kept me at home the past three years. During this time I have played forward with an independent amateur -o- team, the Attiea All-Stars. We were in a league with such towns as Kingman, Anthony, Wellington, Harper, Argonia, and Bluff City. We won the league the first year, co-shamps the second year, and second this year. As a reguiar | forward, I have had a 10 point average with this team. I. am 5' 10 1/2" tall, weigh 156 stripped. Both teams I have played with have been whole team players and not individual stars. | If ok ean see fit to help me get work that will allow me to come out for freshman basketball, I shall greatly appreciate it; and I'll be looking forward to meeting you in September. A. Lester Biberstein P.S. My high school and college transeripts were turned in to the advaneed standing committee if you should desire to check on my grades. August 9, 1940. August 24, 1940 | lire Bruce Holman 201 Ne Sth Street Dear bruce: i have been dowm to the Tems Conching School at Austin, and this week have been connected with the Kaneas State High School Coaching facultye I have your letter of August 15 and am glad to learn thet you have arrangements to take care of all your expenses except room and boards sas Aik enw we Toad < on ghenina Ob —. for Louisville, Kentucky to visit my daughter and grandchildren, and then doubtless I will co fron Louisville to Chicago to mest with the NeCeheis Euscutive Committee on the Gth and 7th of Septenber. I will pro} bably not return to Lawrence itil the 10th. oe I will be clad to do everything possille to help you if you drop in the office to sce ne sonetine oe ar Yours sincerely, Direstof of Physical pducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | Forrest C. Allen : Varsity Basket ball Coach ae Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Pe ae an Was glad to receive your letter saying you “had gotten a letter from my high school coach, J ohne, Corrigan, and oo _ saying you would be glad to help me financially. — 7 | e think 7 will have enough money 6 take Scare ef all a expenses except my room and board. — A friend of ‘mine and I are planning to room together if I can enroll at K.U. My room . and board will be $23 | @ month. Ss you will help me earn the $23 send me a uve to that effect and tell me what date I should be there. ... ‘Sincerely, | a ee — a “BOL. 9 Ste eo Phoenix, Ariz. August 24, 1940 State lligh School Coaching facultye I have your letter of August 14 and am glad to learn that you have a job for next school years This coming Monday or Tuesday I am plenning to leave for Louisville, Kentucky. to visit my daughter and grandchildren, and ther dovbtless I will co fron Louisville to Chicago to meet with the NeCeleds Executive Committee on the 6th and 7th of September, I will proe baby not return to lawrence until about the 10th. I shall be glad to have you the office ee eee ee Pe OEE, ee Souorly erty ‘Direstor of Physical Education and ‘Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach . WAsig Pa. Samah! Ae IBS oe 7 = 7a = ; S = | \ i : x , 1% SON = 7 : | : ; : S ¢ 45 : a8 x ss a : : : ‘ < "3 Z : ‘ ay j : (7 Eersgs: eae i ' a co aS ) s D. = . Be 5 ~~ 4 ae - : : + \ ~ { te 1 5 za X = ~s3 —~< + i es S : P ‘ ae : : S ¥ : : : tL u ¢ a€ — 2 c = : : : : ~ BS a y * Ns 3 : : = x 7 , ae q o oe f i : i as Sete x ~ Sy j 4 Z 2 . , Ki oe ) > Wy ag ~ Z ae - See astsy . Rx £ 5 : a \ a e , F -—~> hey : . 1 “wn > : - Se ) Dt ABS ¥ : 5 tS a x f : a Pe = } 4 - % August 16, 1940 Mire Glenn Mize Romer Springs, Kansas Dear It, Iises oe Your letter of August 14 addressed to tre Fe Ce Allen arrived at his office after he had lef: for the University of Texas, He expects to be there util tomorrow, the 17th, for a short basketball coaching clinic. Next week he will be in Topelm for the Kansas High Sehool Conehing Schools Ag soon as Dr's Allen returns to the office _ your letter will be brought to his attentions I am S “gure ly Allen will be glad to mow you found work < Le Pea Ure.on Fountains Simeely oy - Hite Wendell He Link - 1217 State Street Haporia, Kansas Dear Wendells | _ ‘ have been in Austin, exes and an now connected with cade ae cs daa Geactentee ee mens f tad oe Tt hopyens that thie conins Monday or Tuosdey T an planning to leave for Louisville, Kentucky to vieit my daughter and grande children, and then doubtless I will go from Louisville to Chicago — ee ne OS bad Oe Dd Aik sok nee paeentinn i kik ewe tor the Ais training course for cooks of the Coepp houses for next winters I see you have energy and initiative and that is all it takes fora — boy to make it. You can count on me for cooperation and helps : Tatil thet tine when I eee you I wish you lote of good luck in your preliminary plans.s Director of Physical Gdueation and Recreation oe Cone FOAslg July 26,1940 1217 State St. Emporia, Kansas Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: This summer I have been working rather hard. My parents left Emporia the latter part of June and I am trying to make the necessery arrangements so I may attend N.U. this fall. I am planning to attend B.U. this fall and will be up there the third of September to take the ten day training course for cooks of the Co-op houses for next winter. I heve applied for N.Y.A. work for next winter and if it is at all possible I will have to make at least twenty dollars a month to meet my expenses there. If you could éffer me any advice on this matter I would appreciate it. T am afraid that I will be unable to come to Lawrence before September as I will start to work as soon as school is out and will be working all the time from then on. I am getting rather anxious to start pieying playing a little basket ball again. In making the all state class B team I am afraid I was a little over rated, but I do feel that with continued work I could develop into K.U. basket ball material. and would like very much to cdo that. I certainly do appreciate the interest you have taken in my problem and will eppreciate anything you might be able to do in regard to it, a