August 23, 1940 Mre Max Gray 209 Hast Polk Street engin TO Dear Mass ae x ewe: your very good letter of the 2let instant and am sorry to ‘den ges Wild tues TAL alte cadesan, I am sure that you Texans are acquainted shige asennad el del tal Tt Ae ane Cg ee te specific fora Gewane. es : I ms plonged to Inow of tho progress that you lave made in eooneatos. I called lies Kemey and she gives you a good tele : flow, regarding the other 2shour sourse, I checked on that ‘alsce Ky < fuik teak Belaeeett Tan hoesueuehey saben, Dek by ebeeldl COMGLLIA — of the School of Ingineering they will permit you to take Basketball, a 2= hour couree, because you do not expect to use it in your engineering work but you are using it for eligibilitys I have asked Miss Kenney to write you and doubtless you will get a letter from her in the same mail that you receive . this epistle, Your text will be Better Basketball, so we can save you some money on thats We are loaning you one of Gur Goples and I believe you will find it interesting readings If you have need for a Basketball Rule Book — we will mil you one of tnose later, although I doubt not that Gordon has a beok ef his om that he will let you haves As soon as you conplete your six lessons you fire then ing Then take the examination and if I were you I would write Miss Kemey right away and aelz her to send you tho Basketball - lessons so that you will lose no tine betwoon the two courses. | eee ee a en September 1 and was driving dom for youe I hope thet your recovery is: rapid and that you will be in fine shane not only to do your sorrespandence work but to enjoy the trip back with your brother. I lmow no finer relation» ship that exists than between two men who heave crown up together and who numisilbiescl sures a Meee al momma . ; | 3 | With ali good wishes, tm ; Sineerely yourts Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach : WArig SC