duly 18, 1920 Cafe Platte City, Missourd Dear Mre Hulett: Pursuant to your request of the I7th, I an having 2 rmrded to you the proper enrolimert and informtian catalogs for a pre-law course With eli good wishes, I an, Yours sincerely, . Director of Physical Udueation and Reereation, MAsglg Varsity Basketball Coachs AUILIETT CAIFIE Catevers to Particular Tastes ' MEALS LUNCHES SANDWICHES SPECIAL DINNERS FOUNTAIN SERVICE ICECREAM “Package Liquovs and Wines Platte City, Mo.,..... f & —. - this pl ee LU ite ian fl leans Sect Luratluth ZharRy fr a fire - Pasa Gites, 7 eboney, os EEE SS IRATE > Mrse Hulteens Dre Allen esked/that the Law-School Secye be asked and also catalog Registrar's of fivce\ ae end the proper material; should be sent from the Kensas City, Missouri Dear Warrens acknowledge receipt ef your letter of July 15. I expest i I . : to be in Lawrence until the clese.of the sumer session, whieh is around August 7» I am teaching so you ean find ne here most any However it would be a good idee to write me a souple days _ ahead and tell me the time of your cominge My two classes are fron 9:30 in the morning witil 11450, each school diye On Hondey and Wednesday-2ftcrnoome at 4:15, on the intramural field, T wmpive one of three games in our sixmtean softball leagues | | T will be happy to soc you and have @ visite With all good wishes, I amy Yours sincerely, parton of Pywical iuoation end Reereationy Lear >, tlle,’ sng Att any gl Kansas i called Victor Hurt, the Zoutball personnel man, who is Gainn and found that he ie dom in the Henry's assistant, southern part of the State and will not return until the first of next weelt, At thet time I will bring Kemmeth Kraner's mame to his attentions I hope that he has had contact with Kramer Se ee en es ee oe ee & joe silt Witla tacks uediaes ges Sas hone fren et eins a ee en eo ee Director of Physical Siunatiien and Reoreation, ee Ln. Kone Ley, Mame beer on grodunt Saag J Peppa “? caliwetel tin pring te Othe Atbant , tnt Ke eds Brome Aid of 2 06 Catn. olin foot Ke aiee Cn ery Are H (1 aac yonens quan. «magn. Th Gee a. the, kao a Lith, Pyyemneg hombres ant ale tha Gemnyetin fae Me formet, Aevdel a Q2 Cain At La ton Ct hat A at, fr Xe rwabgig lt rtd aut fuk heim cr Gelege. oe “+ 7 —~ + “a ee Pog eG. is Hn ot —— 0 hw. @2>vnd a. = oe ae as ae ) ; ¥ ee ee SRE Raa athe i ti Nii Sec DEI a lite Marren Israel, Kansas City, Moe Dear Warren: Mrge Allen and I are leaving Saturday afternoon — ee ee oe er ee return until that I have been amye I expect to be ‘Trane Ga ftteaee Sunday, but I would rather make the eppointment around six o'clock, if that is convenient for yous. Perhaps you should write me early next weelke I will be glad to gee yous — eu Director of Physical Siuostion and Reorentiony FUAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coachs fron Louis, She at to sa, "Oh 1 dé ois boy, tro boys of Lawrence is divided by a street July 29, 1940 Ry 29 wan resed + Strest, home Send dide charges $7.00 a moth for each gui eH 1 8h Hua I will tell Bob helle for you and he will te glad to meet you, as will all the other Kansas boyse ‘ With all good wishes, I en, Sincerely yours, - Daxextor of Physical rtuentiion ani Reovestien yy ee Oe ee hn at. C. ay len Wousas U. ieee cae a ae owrenc € Woy ASA S ee eS a et etter of the 19th ah ees oo a: ee te Couten At eh fetoo. i jee Be wish sic fo et tak ead Lor yout ate oa es help Oy oF Alt aemeee bo be aes Boise! ce ot ~ + ct is LY ms Pewrt« a L] + cau lite Uo _ Jie as _ possible, re Sos uses | hee (VU! e iaecce Be Scune re’ eS oo ele — Find me mee fetid QS - Oo mM nol acquaited Qs yet Ar 4 +he ‘ho a ea ET LS ae L concetthed Hat kb, anit arrive _ Lawreuce not later shen the Gt ss Se ptember, ae Wik be Bley ioe ohne to become Mar oe at ot oe pre) be art ec fo You help. LY “ie yeotties “\ ke Vice looking Po to mech ora i bet ob in ama lave seen pbs, Vareity Basketball Coach 2 August 2, 1940 Loan Association Tniversi: enti perused i you Me LSSour1 have the has per ee aa in action I ‘With all good wishes, Tomy " 8 g ‘ BB, 2 Sy to tag] lire John We Ballard, drs Safety Savings ¢ 910 Grand Avenue ' Kansas City, li feta 06 Geka meat ten sods bettae exit and I would be glad to see you and talk with yous . tem sorry it is necessary to make this change —— “eer Sincerely yours, Sevebber ot Hijutent Hiusation and Varsity Basketball Coach 2 tory fees if Jack would take any soionce which has a lnkeratery : | nents Our uytriculation fee is $20.00. You pay that once then there is $75.00 a senester (non-resi dence) and the health foe is $5.00 a semester. We have a 000 hoapital donated ty Ira, iiisxbeth Watkine, This hospitalization ineludes beds, medication, etos if any of the students should get ille ‘then there is an activity fee which averages $6.00 a semesters I am asiding our Registrar to send you a -ataglete setkdng fur your inapaution and haliave 1¢ wuld be wali if you would ask the same of the University of Iissourle aa 1 enjoyed the visit imoensely with you et your offices ‘Rovalling old fridnde and discussing then individually with you ws @ By the way, I a miling you for your por in your leteue hours @ copy of my textbook called Better Basketball, published by MoGraw-Hiill Companye ‘In the back of the book, Part V are "Tales of the Yesteryearse"™ Qn age 478 is a story concerning my son along with other — eo tne hin T thought you night enjoy this yaene, The purpoee of ny writing this chapter on tradition was ° in S fu tig vee a Varsity Basketball Coach 3 Neti ecarigd Dy, Renan Doar Stoves : I eujoyed your stopping by and getting soquainteds es 4s I pranised you I called Miss Velma Wilson at the NeYelis office of the University and she states that she will . be very gind to keep you definitely in mind for a job with © the CeSelePeg Which is our name for the Hele Let me hear from yous With all good wishes, I an, - Sincerely yOUrss Director af Physical Uducation and Recreation Varsity Dasketball Coach Ure Bob Abrens Dem Bobs . Al Wellheugen was a sisx=foot seveneinch center isda ctnesle ox thn Wabvadbity of Mouame tom fue ceeael years and last year he played on the Oldahoma City Bigrty= Rinerse fis mmber ws 77, I an sure that you would remember — a oe oe oe oe : ite 'Nellimusen ie writing you @ letter and she hag a eli of Al that she will send you and I em sure | you will : hime I will be looking for you on the 9th Wey of Soptoubor and I mow you will like the seteup hores Gp eas With all good wishes, T an, Sincerely yours, Director of 1 Rjueattion and woreetion jails 3), I95¥o ae { Pe Porieer (Ih, Becket bill Core h IS auces, Db ere 7 fa cece ay ae os © pen le Hee of He do th math the ecutive sete p ee 2 lay owt at the ee ae 7? PP if fo LA VEVUW my ‘(An Well huvsen- > WUUe Sie Nery eae vais ae sae 4 place la at vate bg z ae Pee it oe see ee ye ——— | bac | (sue pe mM Svuve wy steu us + Gr Vue feces coe ah he A lec a OUF, Daan Riles a oat ts + ie a |! a. me te weal oe r wseudea Lal oie Lh gi Js my ooae my 3 isa p pout Yo Ys et Wee eee he nel Oss oy ¥ A Y49 4 ve wiu ii You C@ Ve ae aloe nA & = Same AWA pe ie ee ee yet | od £ aver may self Qs wy wey _| e er o.4 be Mondhery +e a ot Sep }e on be Sela i Voy ieee pe. forks. Sorinsl el 2. a 7