Kensas City, Missouri Dear Warrens acknowledge receipt ef your letter of July 15. I expest i I . : to be in Lawrence until the clese.of the sumer session, whieh is around August 7ยป I am teaching so you ean find ne here most any However it would be a good idee to write me a souple days _ ahead and tell me the time of your cominge My two classes are fron 9:30 in the morning witil 11450, each school diye On Hondey and Wednesday-2ftcrnoome at 4:15, on the intramural field, T wmpive one of three games in our sixmtean softball leagues | | T will be happy to soc you and have @ visite With all good wishes, I amy Yours sincerely, parton of Pywical iuoation end Reereationy