2 tory fees if Jack would take any soionce which has a lnkeratery : | nents Our uytriculation fee is $20.00. You pay that once then there is $75.00 a senester (non-resi dence) and the health foe is $5.00 a semester. We have a 000 hoapital donated ty Ira, iiisxbeth Watkine, This hospitalization ineludes beds, medication, etos if any of the students should get ille ‘then there is an activity fee which averages $6.00 a semesters I am asiding our Registrar to send you a -ataglete setkdng fur your inapaution and haliave 1¢ wuld be wali if you would ask the same of the University of Iissourle aa 1 enjoyed the visit imoensely with you et your offices ‘Rovalling old fridnde and discussing then individually with you ws @ By the way, I a miling you for your por in your leteue hours @ copy of my textbook called Better Basketball, published by MoGraw-Hiill Companye ‘In the back of the book, Part V are "Tales of the Yesteryearse"™ Qn age 478 is a story concerning my son along with other — eo tne hin T thought you night enjoy this yaene, The purpoee of ny writing this chapter on tradition was ° in S fu tig vee a Varsity Basketball Coach