Ure Bob Abrens Dem Bobs . Al Wellheugen was a sisx=foot seveneinch center isda ctnesle ox thn Wabvadbity of Mouame tom fue ceeael years and last year he played on the Oldahoma City Bigrty= Rinerse fis mmber ws 77, I an sure that you would remember — a oe oe oe oe : ite 'Nellimusen ie writing you @ letter and she hag a eli of Al that she will send you and I em sure | you will : hime I will be looking for you on the 9th Wey of Soptoubor and I mow you will like the seteup hores Gp eas With all good wishes, T an, Sincerely yours, Director of 1 Rjueattion and woreetion