from the K.U. NEWS BUREAU mw KANSAS UNIVERSITY = LAWRENCE, KANSAS m RAY HEADY, Director — Gerald Tucker, Winfield For the second consecutive year, Gerald Tucker of Winfield was the best high school basketball player in the state. When I first saw Tucker play in the tournament this spring my feeling was that he was better than ever, but his teammates were not playing with hin. In the final game with Wyandotte, his mates finally forgot théar petty jealousies and played with Tucker the way they should have all season. The team was a super-team that night and Tucker stood out like a beacon. Not only did he lead the team in scoring, but he likewige led the team in every other department of play. His defense was superb, on rebounds he got all that Winfield got and thatm was a large number. His gempral- ship left nothing to be desired. He led the team and was the team tO0. Tucker is at least 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds or more. The criticism of Tucker by Ralph Miller and othersm last year was that he was not active enough, but they should have seen Gerald a the finals. He feinted, dodged and jumped around like a wiry halfback. Tucker led the Ark Valley in scoring two years, which is quite a feat ina S awes as tough as that. In comparing his scoring with Ralph Miller or anyone like that, it is necessary to remember that Winfield plays a very con- servative brand of basketball, one which is not conducive to high indiv- idual scoring. Consequently Tucker had to make his points on a limited number of shots. Miller played on a fast break team which was willing to’ trade points anytime. I dont' rate Tucker as the equal of Miller as a high school player, but I do consider him one of the best of all time. His performance against Wyandotte was a truly great showing. Tucker showed a tendency toward conceit in the tournament, but I believe that he will be easier to work with and straighten out than some other men I can think of. Tucker is a fine rebound man now and should make a won- derful college rebounder under the kind of training you can give him. His work on defense also is fine and he has a fighting heart, which it seems to me rates high in an athlete's assets.