May 9, 1940. / Anthony, Kansase Dear Steves will need seme work to help pay your expenses you make application through the !leYsA. office for a ‘as 2 If you will write to iss Velma Wilson, secre- tary, NeYele Office, University of Kansas, she will send you @n application blanke These jobs are given VMenhc [UCC ee pay $15 to $20 a months , the Sahoo’: of Raghitliving have. at the tkaveeniter doss offer @ course in aeronautical engineering. It is under the supervision of Professor Ese Ds Hay, room 117, Marvin Hall, University of Kansase I am sure that he Will be glad to hear of your interest in this field and will be able te send you some printed metorial on the courses offerede | 7 If I can be of eny further ‘service to you at any time, please feel free to call on mes |