May 27, 1940¢ I appreciate vory much your good letter of the 2st instante ee ee ee | Bugene West and Varren Hughey. Thane Nene ftieuliy few bee eteing fees cul at the state. The tuition at the thiversity of Mangas is ee eee na fee ee pts nad our etate. In Oklahoma, I understend, they do - mot have a ee ae Sees Pees ; 1 iictaas @ilee. tee ane watt euahiiiea. inomes If that is true, I do not imew how they would be able to surmount that difficulty. Will you be kind Se eee _ ‘way through school? — Very sincerely yours, | Arestor of Physionl Réuoation and Recreation, FOAAH ————E—