Me John Bortia, Et Gs Cay Sta, e Dear Johns ian wetting ths lottor to omeratalabe you end the boys of ‘ilyendotte upon the splendid record ond great pleying thet you have done, 1 sew - play Lawrence Tigh Sehool and you were in a class ‘by yourselves so fer as your tean ' igh team was concerned, — ; I would be hapoy to see you _ orsity ‘of Kansas, end I em very ' Like the University here on Mount are interested I would be glad to tine toward the possibility of your enrolling at University of Kane, | | dati, shaindittin wd Vask n ae you are interested in K, U, I would be glad to see yous He Menager, NeCeAsAe Basketball Tournemente Mrre William Brili, 1603 Garfield, Kansas City, Fansage Deay BLL s and I a head You played a swell game at Top | sorry that I was not able to be there to see yous You deserve a lot of credit, and you have hed a . wormlerful season this yours I have watched you play and I thought you floor work and general ability wore myrvelous. You and your teammates have certainly marod then dow, and I am sorry that the "sudden death" method out you short on your hatureal With all good wishes, and hoping thet you will etteni the University of Kansas, Tem Sineserely yours, Lawrence, Kansas Moreh 18, 1940 ie Leo 207 Se Coy Ste, Kansas City, “ansage Dear Leo: Tt wns a very diffieult break jou boys got by tho “sudden death” method of terminvting a games Doubtless had the gane gone on to regular overtine Lawrence, Kansas March 26, 1940 With deep appreciation, and kindest regards, Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH Manager’, NeCeAeAe Basketball Tournaments a KAN Se ‘you concerning Earl,it certainly is my #46h8 wish that dac4S livestock a four year school. He has had only one year in Sa CITY DRUG STORE LESTER R. BUELL Z PHONE 12 oer NICKERSON, KANSAS KANsas 160 MILLION Lets whee World's Bsr Dr. Forrest Allen, a Annually University of Kansas, ONY other ach as Lawrence Kansas. oe. as Dear Mr. Allen; | © third of a palone is I wish to thank you for the fine letter from dollars each yeggON Harl makes good in both his work and in Basket Ball. — tettopip. at¥ Pro I had quite a chat with Zarl recently and he sure is sorry he let me down on not getting better grades but after thinking of my own experence in School I recall a Cplus average first Semenster and B plus the rest of my schooling and feel he perhaps will lmow more about studying. I have been working,on Bill England for 2 years. First I want to tell you how the things are. Bill is fre well-to do Dutch people,our finest citizens. His folks are leavins the judzement up to Bill Yoncernitng college and where he attends. Colorado has been working on hin, Kansas State, and S8h¢AhSa$h83$ several other larze schools.Bow I need help, and here is what I need. Have Sollenberger from your Freshman squad to contact Bill this vacation.Have one or two of our Alumni in Hutchinson contact him.I am to darm poor to has arrange a trip up to Lawrence my self and perhaps some one else § Can help.Have Earl get busy,he and Biblsister are that way about each other and certaily Earl could help. And I will do my level best from here untill September.@ Bill will demand work, arrange a job in half year he will be on his om if I am any Judge. Bill is straight A student here and perhaps that will help get work. Also he is a very good Foot Ball Mang and track man. | have been working on Red Hawks of the Hutch.Junio College.He is a fine guard.Making B average at Junior College and a awove average foot ball man.Talked to his mother this morning and he is going to transfer to H utchinson. He will need work, With a letter from you or an invatation to visit at Lawrence will heln me. NICKERSON—Splendid Schools...Low Taxes. .Low Utility Rates... A FRIENDLY community in the heart of the Kansas Wheat Belt and Oil development. KANSAS raises the best wheat in the world—Reno County raises the best wheat in Kansas. . _ CITY DRUG STORE Lester R. BUELL PHONE 12 NICKERSON, KANSAS pr. Allen we have one real foot ball player here.This boy is one of the best passers thie part 6: Ter eS Havraay, the country has ever produced. I dont Imow who to Of the ON bushels contact concerning this,but have taken the Liberty Wheat annually > to enclose a clipping about him and sure would apprec ia tity other ah cs it if it was turned over to the right party. He wishes ,nm...x to go to K.U. Please dont think I am begging too many jobs for players,but I have followed sports for several years and I believe I know these boys will make you proud in a. couple years. I have read where you was to make a talk at the Banquet honoring the teams from Reno Younty. We are just 10 miles from Hutchinson and I certainly would like for you to arrange a little side trip here and we could discuss these boys further, Respectfully, L.R. Buell The ideal of these boys being together seems to help some and it seems the ever wish of the fans here that they could all go to K.U. NICKERSON—Splendid Schools...Low Taxes. .Low Utility Rates... A FRIENDLY community in the heart of the Kansas Wheat Belt and Oil development. KANSAS raises the best wheat in the world—Reno County raises the best wheat in Kensas. SI ee ee nT Mee ee : Book Akos Ly Zi a ck y Sootkoll, Meh h reo: Grgecl mh Hhileroracphumerty Aap 2 oobi oa riinaey chaos Dirtuct, 3 ? “ Tow mooamindk Aegud 234 pote prow curage G-10 punt Am forth Mand placed third in the devia throu Gy iy” Hien, (Ae TRO ca eB Atartyy, 3D. 3R.,anof Chi CIWS i tsiletas . 4 be Le (Co : ow Tatiomelong hoicLiahtat- v oe ; Nr fh. fiat pack fogs tes | ¥ 2 15.1 rm ae i , 5 CU thie hota tures yornvad Ly Argus York) Lawrence, Kansas March 27, 1940 Mire Gus Ae Beauchamp, Holton, Knneass th details Kansas City lotter of very much for your congratulations. Sa eee | 8. é i ilu ie ali 2 258% guil mt at ie 2 3 as 8 With best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, : Menager, MNeCeheAe Basketba21 Tourmanont.> Beauchamp "4 Pharmacy Hol ton, Kansas LIA JAMES E.TAYLOR ATTORNEY AT LAW SHARON SPRINGS, KANSAS April 9th, 1940. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, * x < x f i Secale ib ae taht es 4 Sci a Sera ae as Gee cot Ok TAS Seale RE el Dean oe Er ere iene ee ; Se ae MRE peer Arena UA i ie Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor,-- Your letter of the 5th inst. has just now been re- s ceived. We are very glad to hear from you, and to know that you . will be able and happy to take this young man and talk to him about . the advantages of your system. “e This boy's name is Gale Botts, nicknamed "Polly". Last night, Mrs. Taylor was talking to his mother, and they are planning on him being in Lawrence on Monday, the 15th of April, and I'll have Mrs. Taylor bring him to your office. It will probably be in the morning, as she will have plenty of time then, and it is quite early when they get there. Sb Una Le aaa viseney Bans tenes We sincerely hope that you will be able to interest him in going to school there. If we can ever get students to going to K. U. once more it will help us get others interested in the future. We have two boys there now, one Russell Mount, in the Pharmacy department, and another is a pre medic, but he has been away for several years, so I don't know whether he is there now or not. However this is a very strong pro Kansas aggie town, and the faculty on the High School, and the Board itself are much Pro Aggie, and they heve the children during the years when they can formulate their desire for certain colleges. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter, I aM y Very truly ta 7 JET: J : JAMES E. TAYLOR. April: 12, 1940. by the Tf Monday offiee in HrSe Taylor the morning be able to in the afternoons 83 i 4) : i 83 4 HH Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Very sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach. I aseure you it will be a pleasure to talk with FCA sAHi JAMES E.TAYLOR ATTORNEY AT LAW SHARON SPRINGS, KANSAS March 28th, 1940. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kensase Dear Doctori-- The writer of this letter is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Kansas, LLB '26, and I doubt very much if you will re- call me, but I worked for a couple of years in the ofiice of Mr. Dill, Director of Publicity. However, whet I wish to write to you about is the fact that we have a young lad here in high school, who hes his heart on studying to be a basketball coach, and is very desirous of going to Ke U. He is a fair player, but probsbly not up to the type neces- sary to succeed there due to a leg injury suffered several years agoe However, he is quiite interested, and in view of the fact that none of our students from here have gone there of late years, he would like to look the school over before making up his mind finally. What I have in mind is this. My wife plans on attending the State Convention of the Order of the Eastern Star on April 15, 16 and 17th, meeting in Lawrence. This young man would be willing to go down at that time and talk the situation over with you if possible. My wife would be able to take him around over the cempus as she was graduated from there in 1927. The young man can make the trip as his folks are railroad employees, and the cost would not bee much. What I am interested in is getting some of the boys from here going to K. U. instead of Kansas State. For instance Kansas State has Swanson, their football end, a graduate of this school here; the Kansas State freshman Basketball team had Koons who received a numeral, and who undoubtedly will also get his numeral in baseball this spring. What I would like to know is whether or not you would be willing to meke an appointment to meet this young man, endtalk the situation over with him, and whet he wishes to do in the future? Thanking you for a prompt reply, I em, Very truly yours JET: J JAMES E. TAYL LLB ' 26 April 5, 1940. I shall be very happy to see him and te21 him the ares Gee te eeu aa eee Ue if he is SOS imouw . MANO, is coming, and I will be vory happy to talk with hime With best wishes for your comtinued success, I an Very Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical ssieceaith ses: ast Henan Varsity Basketball Coache 412 West 9th Street Pittsburg, Kansas April 138, 1940 Dr. F.C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Coach Allen: Thank you for your invitation of April 11th. I expect to be in Lawrence with our track team Friday, April 19th, and will be glad to have the opportunity of working out with your team. Sincerely yours, achurst — Jack Bro Thank you again. oo ud L thle Look forward Te soap Ane: Chan Vie Aprit 15,1940 jas — Bwght, Kansee Oper 15, 1440 dees de, the (lle, An AKecppes Be wasigh cher coe ts, Holton, Kansas April i8, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 10th which I appreciate very much, I will be very glad to accept your invitation to be one of the group of the high school boys to come down and shoot some baskets with the varsity group. I will be in Lawrence on Friday this week to participate in the high school relays and will either stay over Friday night or come back on Saturday morning. Thanking you again, I am Yours truly Bos L) tlhe) Dear Principal Duncans: C { 4 il I assure you it will be a pleasure to see you and | Mirector of Physical Edueetion and Recreation, — PCA sAH Varsity Basketball Conche | OTTO WOLF DIRECTOR ARLEIGH CUNNINGHAM MANUAL ARTS RUTH CLAYTON HOME ECONOMICS MILLER RURAL HIGH SCHOOL 7 **2ctwence"™* RALPH L. DUNCAN, PRINCIPAL BERENICE DAVIS ENGLISH MILLER, KANSAS, April 13 1940 Dr. forrest C. Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: We are planning on attending the Kansas Relay's Friday night. Of the four boys I am bringing three plaved on the district championshin basketball team and we were beaten by Rosevelt of Emporia bg two points and they placed third in the state. I would like to have you meet the boys while we are in Lawrence. We would like to stay for the Relay's on Saturday. Would their be some fraternity house where we might stay. ge fe ours j xX Or. / Poise. gi ph Bae. [6 940 pre ee Bt Mu a Pi jot Ircwn ie —— ae! i Mae fle AG ai fae apo) ee vant popy init Mowe! Birgcbedasida