JAMES E.TAYLOR ATTORNEY AT LAW SHARON SPRINGS, KANSAS April 9th, 1940. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, * x < x f i Secale ib ae taht es 4 Sci a Sera ae as Gee cot Ok TAS Seale RE el Dean oe Er ere iene ee ; Se ae MRE peer Arena UA i ie Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor,-- Your letter of the 5th inst. has just now been re- s ceived. We are very glad to hear from you, and to know that you . will be able and happy to take this young man and talk to him about . the advantages of your system. “e This boy's name is Gale Botts, nicknamed "Polly". Last night, Mrs. Taylor was talking to his mother, and they are planning on him being in Lawrence on Monday, the 15th of April, and I'll have Mrs. Taylor bring him to your office. It will probably be in the morning, as she will have plenty of time then, and it is quite early when they get there. Sb Una Le aaa viseney Bans tenes We sincerely hope that you will be able to interest him in going to school there. If we can ever get students to going to K. U. once more it will help us get others interested in the future. We have two boys there now, one Russell Mount, in the Pharmacy department, and another is a pre medic, but he has been away for several years, so I don't know whether he is there now or not. However this is a very strong pro Kansas aggie town, and the faculty on the High School, and the Board itself are much Pro Aggie, and they heve the children during the years when they can formulate their desire for certain colleges. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter, I aM y Very truly ta 7 JET: J : JAMES E. TAYLOR.