JAMES E.TAYLOR ATTORNEY AT LAW SHARON SPRINGS, KANSAS March 28th, 1940. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kensase Dear Doctori-- The writer of this letter is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Kansas, LLB '26, and I doubt very much if you will re- call me, but I worked for a couple of years in the ofiice of Mr. Dill, Director of Publicity. However, whet I wish to write to you about is the fact that we have a young lad here in high school, who hes his heart on studying to be a basketball coach, and is very desirous of going to Ke U. He is a fair player, but probsbly not up to the type neces- sary to succeed there due to a leg injury suffered several years agoe However, he is quiite interested, and in view of the fact that none of our students from here have gone there of late years, he would like to look the school over before making up his mind finally. What I have in mind is this. My wife plans on attending the State Convention of the Order of the Eastern Star on April 15, 16 and 17th, meeting in Lawrence. This young man would be willing to go down at that time and talk the situation over with you if possible. My wife would be able to take him around over the cempus as she was graduated from there in 1927. The young man can make the trip as his folks are railroad employees, and the cost would not bee much. What I am interested in is getting some of the boys from here going to K. U. instead of Kansas State. For instance Kansas State has Swanson, their football end, a graduate of this school here; the Kansas State freshman Basketball team had Koons who received a numeral, and who undoubtedly will also get his numeral in baseball this spring. What I would like to know is whether or not you would be willing to meke an appointment to meet this young man, endtalk the situation over with him, and whet he wishes to do in the future? Thanking you for a prompt reply, I em, Very truly yours JET: J JAMES E. TAYL LLB ' 26