0 P UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Y LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION E. C. Quigley, August 2, 1945 ----+--+-+--+-+-+-+-+-++-+---- 2 I believe that you can readily see that unless we are cogni- zant of all the demands made by the Navy we would render ourselves less efficient to them at a time when they might need us most. During the first week of July we were informed by the V-12 officers and chiefs that the Navy inspectors were coming the following Monday and that it would be necessary for us to have the athletic back- stops on the intramural field in serviceable condition by that Monday. Mr. Dell Davidson was in Chicago on his vacation. I called Bunn Rogers, Mr. Davidson's colored assistant, and he stated that it was impossible for him to get the job done. He stated that he could not hire any help. We personally went into the field and beat the brush and hired three men on an emergency measure, got the wire that day on a non-competitive bid, and had the backstops ready that Monday morning. We had the entire ten acres mowed and the baseball fields were marked, limed, and laid out ready for the inspectors’! expected visit. I get up to the office each morning at eight or a few minutes after. It is our desire to render to the Navy, to our department, and to yours the best service possible. I trust that this letter is fully explanatory and I will be happy to have a conference for a mutual understanding and helpfulness. Director, Physica]-fiducation Varsity Basketbgll Coach FCAszef | ce: Raymond Nichols Leonard Axe Je N. Carman G. W. Gathings Arnold B. Coping Lt. Hethcock