Mrs. Lloyd Tucker, Ste | Winfield, “ansas— - Dre Porrest C. Allen spoke to me the other day during one of our golf games of the fine musical talent your son Gerald possesses and the ‘gplondia honore thet have come to hin already, May T congratulate you end -@lso Gerald on the recognition that nae come te him se fer in msic, He _. 2 @m eriting to say in the most friendly way possible we shall be so happy to have you both investigate the umsual opportunities and the gplonéid faculty that ere available bere at the State University for ade vanced study in wasic, and we hope thet Gerald may be enrelied ‘with us hfs coming yeors I can say with little fear of contradiction that ve have here a faculty in music second to nono in the middle west, of highly peid thorevghly @quipped talented artist teachers for. the mest part that — ‘Will be glad to give Gerald the uost sympathetic attention that is is in their power to gives ‘Some of us speut many years in Europe, sone twenty- five or thirty yeare ago, minly with the idea of surrounding ourselves — with es mich good music and hearing ac meh of the finer things in mesic as we possibly could, — : ) te The enclosed card will give you just e sample of the large list of Snterneationally known ertists that are brought bere to the campus every year, to say nothing of the annusl Busic Festivel, the summer session . Husic Camp, the many faculty and student recitals, All-Musical Vespers, and other concerts thet ere evaileble to our students. ‘The ectivity ticket which Gerald would have, would admit him. to these creat , without further cost. I know of no sehool in this section the country — where thet is possible on the scale that it is cerri | eat the State University. | | ‘Phe fees are amazingly low, so mch lower in. of instruction would cost hia in any of the smller s you will find it worthy of your eareful considerations te its pays @ lerge portion of the cost of tuition so thet we 4% wany cases to be a iuct that where some of the smaller schools offered what they called so«called scholerships, even when a student accepted this scholarship the fees ran higher than they would here at the State University without a scholarship. In tact, every Kansas student coming to the University of Kansas is a recipient in a sense of a scholership because of the assistance that the state is giving him. | a : t : g ; g q | 3 het I bel : | ai ul re