To the Varsity Basketball Teams - I em sending you a list of the high school boys whan we have invited to shoot a few baskets here in Robinson Gymmasiua on Saturday moming, April 20. If you know any of these boys I wish you would get in touch with them, and add your invitation to the one I have sent. A duplication of in- vitations won't hurt a bits , We are just now sending these letters out and of course — we haven't had time to receive acceptances, Some of the boys are going to be entertained at the fraternity houses during their stay here, but I believe a personal invitation to the boys you know will make them feel we really want them to comes Of course I em courting on all the varsity men being present Saturday morning for at least an hour, probably around 10 otclocke I want you to meet and mix with the boys. Sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach.