Smith Center Public Schools ERNEST R. ALLBERT, Superintendent SMITH CENTER, KANSAS ~ fi av (\Y February 27, 1940 Br. Forest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc Allen: I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your boys upon a fine basketball season thus far, and wish you the very best of luck in your remaining games. During the current season I have had the pleasure of seeing some fine high school players in action. Among them there seems to be one who is particularly outstanding. You have no doubt read or heard of Max Kissell of Portis, Kansas. Kissell's record is second to none in this section of Kansas. He exhibits the very highest type of sportsmanship, and from my observation he has all the qual- ifications of a fine basketball player. He ranks very high scholas- tically as well as an athlete. In a recent conversation with Kissell, he expressed his desire to attend Kansas University so that he might be under your tutorship. Since you are always on the lookout for new basketball material, I felt that you would appreciate the above information, Sincerely yours, peocky Bi ee Crt FH:LLM