Seer ee 3 FOULKS & FOULKS srw rf ; LAWYERS NEss CITY, KANSAS A. S. FOULKS JOHN C. FOULKS March 15th, 1939. be, FF, ¥, Allen, University L,wrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I am enclosing a picture of the Scott City, basket ball team. The boy at the extreme right is about six feet three inches tall and is a fine physical speciman. In my opinion he is going to make some college an excellent basket ball player and may develop into an all around athlete. I am also enclosing the score in a game in which this team played and this man War- ren Settles, made about his average number of points in this game. Warren will be ready for college in the fall and if he could be under your training for a while I am sure he would give a good ac- count of himself. I was at K. U. four years in the '90 ties and I have seen many of your teams play. Very truly yours, CaN