517 West Olive El Dorado, Kansas June 28, 1939 Dr. F. C. Alien Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: I have been checking into the paessibilities df takin over Hapold Long's jov next year and I find that I can only make up to $15 per month. It looks as if I will be able to have help from home to about that same amount. As you may see, this wili prove an insufficiant amount. I am sincerely desirous of attending the University of Kansas to get my degree and to part- icipate in basketball for the University if my abe ility warrants it. Harold told me that there ws a possibility that you would be able to line up some sort of job for he that would allow me to até tend the University. I shall be very happy to hear from you as soon a is convenient so that I may complete my plans fo the coming year. Very sine E. MeSpadden a we