49 So. 19th Street Kansas City, Kansas June 6, 1939 Dear Dr. Allen: I have your letter of May 29, asking for information regarding the financial condition of Don Hancock and Charles Green, students for the past year in the Joplin Senior High School. First I talked to Don Hancock about coming to K.U. and he informed me that he did not think he could afford it. I told him to write you a letter, and I thought that you would do everything possible to help him. I think that Don will find it necessary to be wholly self-supporting while at the University. I know that he is working this summer as a life guard at one of the swimming pools at Joplin and may be able to save a little money from his work there. I1 bélieve that his father is a laboring man, and is not financially able to support him while in school. It was through Dén that Charles Green became interested in attending the University. I have had very little contact with this boy during the past year in high school. I do know, however, that he is an excellent basket— ball player and was selected as an All State forward. I believe that he is also @ dash man. Both of these boys seem to have very fine characters, and I believe both of them would be willing to do any type of work which they might have the opportunity to get. | Let me thank you at this time for the interest which you have taken in these boys. I feel sure that they will prove worthy of your confidence. If there is any other information I can give you, please let me know, Sincerely yours, obert L. Cunningh m