ny 22, 19396 Professor Be De Hay, School of Enginseringe Dear Professor Hays ee i have heard from Victor Ebaugh, of McPherson, Kansas, - and he has definitely decided to come to Ke Ve His decision ms > beon made, however, because I haves promised him sone work at the i want to thank you for the very fine letter you wrote him end for the interest you keve tekens I am sure he is very de serving of ite He comes highly receemended by Professor Potwin and Professor beth of whon are teachers in the lePherson echools. Vhrleub is a Kansas graduates | : Ebaugh shows great energy and thrifte Fron all I can lear of him 1 believe he will certainly make sasething of himself. I will greatly appreciate anything you can do to make his college : career profitable and happye You recall that he is particularly Very sincerely yours, Coach.