Downs Kansas Feb. 28, 1939 Dear Mr. Allen I want to congratulate you and your team on the fine game you played Saturday nite. I also want to thank you for the tickets you gave us. Vance and I really enjoyed the game. ie also picked up a few pointers. Thank you for your kind invitation to the relays. My father says that maybe he will take Vance and I down there. I sure hope so. I wish you and your team all kinds of good luck im your game with M. U. and I'm sure from the evidence you gave us Sat. nite you cam't help but win The Big Six Championship. We play tommorrow nite in the Dist. tournment at Leabonen. We also have high hopes of Winning. I. thank you again for the tickets and swell game and hope to see you again goon. Sincerely Yours Athan Undage