J.O.HARRISON, PRESIDENT W.H.HARRISON,V. PRESIDENT M.W.HARDMAN,V.PRESIDENT DAN B. ee CASHIER THE STATE BANK OF DOWNS CAPITAL STOCK $35,000.00 SURPLUS $30,000.00 DOWNS, KANSAS May 18, 1939. Dr. Forrest C. Alien, Director Department of Physical “ducation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Sansas.. Dear "Phog™ :- Vance Hall has been over to talk with me several times lately and he is absolutely coming to K U if he can make the grade with his finances. Just last week he told a couple of College Coaches who were here with flattering offers that he had wanted to go to K U for several years and that if he could just make his grades down there and play on Phog Allen's feam he would just about have reached his athletic goal. He. didn't know that he could make it with the job you had in mind but wants to come to K U so badly that he will be down there trying at wie! rate. . ' .He wanted to come down the first of the week and talk things over with you but the fellows from here who were going to Topeka decided to put it off so he won't get to come to Lawrence until about time for School to statt next Fall. Helen goes to K.C. tomorrow to take Billy for his monthly turn with the Dentist but Vance has to attend his Graduation “xercises tomorrow night so couldn't go along with her. He leaves Tuesday for work on a ranch in Texas where he worked last year, and the last month of this Summer he will spend in Canada with some Doms folks who have a Lodge in the Lake of the Woods country, as their guest. I hope that he comes back from Texas as much bigger and huskier looking as last year He seemed to grow inches and gain a lot of weight and said the hard work and sunshine did it for hin. : If there is anything you can pean that 1 do at this end please let me know. I do feel certain that Vance will be there in the Fall — and that no one will get to him this Summer. Every time some one contacts him he comes to see me and jokes about their flattery and the rosy picture they paint for him at other Schools. You certainly did the exactly right thing when you talked just the oposite from all the others about hard work and steedy apolication, and offered nothing on a silver platter. His being away all Summer will keep him from being bothered by other Coaches, espec from the smaller “chools, and he doesn't like their line any way. With kindest regards, I am, Sincerely tours, f Sue ceaie le ahs Tie oh ee. pea Sei