CAMP SOSAWAGAMING Bl @ BAY = CAH G AN 5. eB eee G@ 6 A ND OWN € R oO 8 ae fot, yo 8 luc HES T GO aed TERRACE - RANSAS CITY - Me. May 9, 1939 be. F. C. Allien University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas : a oY Dear Doctor Allen: ne e a : we When Mrs. Hulteen wrote me last week, i” oe she had undoubtedly not received my last oe” letter to you stating that I should like to see you on May 14. Although John will be unable to make the trip, I shall plan to arrive in Lawrence early Sunday afternoon and shall plan to see you around seven in the evening. If this schedule does not meet with your approval, please let me know and I shall change it. Sincerely duro Lo Lope)