> ‘ A a oo 7 Kansas City, Missouri December 22, 1938 tr. ¥. C. Allen, Dept. of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: I am writing you again, but this time in regard to David Payne. He is hoping to come to K. U. next semester. It is, however, without his knowledge thet this letter is being written. David told me that he plans to write to you soon to try to make an appointment for an interviens and I thought that a littie advance information about him might be of interest to you. In high school he was an All Star (All City) forward for Westport. Since his graduation he has played two or three seasons of independent ball with such teams as College of — DeMolay, Cassanovas, and a church team. David has more fight than any one player I have -ever played with, but, according to him, he feels that he stands much room for improvement in the line of fundamentals--something you are certainly qualified to give him. In all truth I am able to say that since the. time I moved to Kansas City David has been my "ideal" not only in the line of athletics, but as a real fellow. Sincerely turn Bo A tert?