1908 <. asd, Kansas City, Missouri, September 2O, 1958. Dr. Fs Cs Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allens By this late date you have, no doubt, started school at Ke Ue. Hallberg and I started to Junior College more than two weeks ago. At present I am takings shorthand with no credit, Bugiish with three hours credit, accounting with three hours eredit, speech with two credit hours and am carrying five hours of Am@érican History, a total of thirteen credit hours. I failed to get the lab course I wanted and was forced to fill 1 Wit hievory. If my classes aren't closed out, I wili get One Of my required labs out of the way next semester. Your book, "Better Basketball," proved to be quite inter- esting. ili read everything but the description of the plays and part of the medical training. The starting of school was greatly responsible for my failure to read those parts. I have also taken your "Push-up prescription" every night and morning and have added some leg exercises. I think, however, that Hallberg is falling down on the job, and that a letter or a stern word from you might be just the thing to straighten Dom oab. Ge is, [ think, suffering from a slight case of ‘too much money and too little responsibility. Can you give me some information, at your convenience, as Go the rules or laws covering the establishment of residence in Kansas? JI am willing to go as far as adoption if it will be worth my while as far as expenses go. I have been working after school on my old job at the Star, but as the work was to be temporary, I secured an N. YY. A. job. I also have two Saturday jobs at the Star. For the first week of school [I was quite depressed. My bank account almost hit Mrock bottom” but it has started to rise again. Realizing full well the amount of work that will be piled up for you at this busy enrollment season, I do not expect an acknowledgement of this letter for some time. Thank you very much again for all your interest in a “Bench- warmer" with high aspirations. Sincerely,