HIGH SCHOOL BOARD W.L. OLSON, DIRECTOR E. T. BECK, TREASURER EVERETT CLEMENS, CLERK FACULTY GEO. A. GRAHAM, COMMERCE DWIGHT RURAL HIGH SCHOOL oovints Mice, bac ae ek Gee MARION THOMPSON, Home ECONOMICS JOEL N. MARTIN. PRINCIPAL JOHN F. HANSON, SCIENCE & ATHLETICS DWIGHT, KANSAS April 20, 1939. Dp. F. ©. Allen . Physical Education Dep't. Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: The boy that I have been writing you about, Harold Wright, will be participating in the Kansa s Relays Interscholastic Meet tomorrow. He will be competing in the Broad Jump in the Class B division. a S¢iii believe that he-is really worth any small effort which could he made in his behalf to enable him to attend school. I know that you will be extremely busy during these days but thought you might be interested. r ral High School Dwight, Kansas.