March 30, 1939. lire Jeol Ne Martin, Principal, Dwight Rural High Sehool, Dwight, Kansage Deak Mrs Martins | : ‘ere Your letter of the 29th came this morning, - end since Drs Allen is still out of tom I am writing to ex- , Dre Allen left last Friday night (a few hours after his return from San Francisco) for Chicago to attend the meeting of the Netional Saskethel] Coaches Assece dation and also the NeCeieie final basketball play-off at Nortinestern Universitys Fron there he went to Sioux City, Iowa, to attend the convention of the Central District . Physical Education Association, now in sessions He will go directly fron Siowr City to San Francises to speak at the ammunl convention of the American Association for Health, Physical Pdueation and Recreation, meeting from April S to Gs | _ I expeet Dre Allen back in the office about the 10th of April. I am sure he will be much interested in Harold Wright, and you may expect to hear from him after his . Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Fe Ce Allens