UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS _ Maen DIVISION OF PHYSICAL. EDUCATION — INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS : : as no thiv koa ya bobrronp sot drigtell ean a [Ladteitast roe empa to axoW ( ; ~ ehaabstorse® (——eteatoot — ¥ at {fedseiesi =< (‘én iwi igus Tl abiqad ovis = in in eb ce ELedéetest toss Lol nego 13 dhofed od dW buadio tf {ledtelesi | eatett ‘oot : ddrowneveet ae mre} sorrye | doart ft ._ : = eter tit tit A “macig, i al 6% selot "£03 gol qakiqgol —»-fooomall 01 eo gmifqol _ see seftadd ee are - - ~- asi Sfadtevlasd smo.l bLotaH *2 obstoI fa mebbaqéoM yrral orien —— iliy gud — 5 (gtemefgect bxswol) : ee ee at a ‘iis 29: “Eee eB pba otat = Ss LEvyetoI~ gatrrelf E100 yYevel dtiw .dqqe — -efrereT 3° ee a bolist died vue’ s , (oss ory o const) Cledtelast ‘berms! bed "23"9 ooh eivad eal (groqtas) = = emo be colt «9 on * steode Lita : oat oD oR: tk ot 2 es ees si 2 aloes the oh F\ "eee eee Be * gredffat miot i mF al rat ot e\ pie Br TE ieee i