July 28, 1939 titre Bob Meredith, Lincolm, Kensase I am very sorry that I have s0 long in replying to your kind letter of the @th I hawe been overburdaned with my toaching end recreations] progren : this sumer, ani have neglected saze of my correspondences 7 We exe courting on you caving to Ne Ue this fell, end with the snout of money you have to start with I en sure thet you will heve no difficulty. We cm sive you a ee eee oe The mumber of hours you work will, of course, depend on how much tine seas advisable for you in addition te your eshool works | tam glad to Inow thet you ere in such fine puysieal shape. We are loclcsing fommerd to CS aselie vou tu See enbere Aen we you WAIT and 53 ORs vighits : With best wishes, i em Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCASAH | Vareity Fagiaytiali Conchs