Mr. George Re Edwards, University of Missouri Mre We Harold Browne, University of Nebraska Mre Jack Gardner, Kansas State College Mre Le Ee Menze, Iowa State College Mr. Bruce Drake, University of Oklahoma. Dear Fellow Coaches: The editor of the Official Basketball Guide has again asked me, as chairman of the SikiexRkeieieat Fifth Ne CeAcAe District, to assemble material for the 1940-41 Guideo Will you kindly send to me by return mail a gloss of your basketball squad? I am assembling the publicity mterial, and desire to send complete data to Oswald Tower, the editor, as soon as possible. Be sure to attach to your gloss the names of the pleyerse With appreciation for your prompt co= operation, I am Sincerely, Chairman, 5th Bistrict, NeCeAeche