May Gy 19405 lit. Harold Keith, Director of Sports Publicity, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Ollahontie Dear Tarolds: ? dele taiyely Sn seigchipee spuniritcnnedeans Sn pone Settee of Mey 2nd regarding the problems and handicaps of my team this Yoare | sty eit eetliiditen aebl citon than of Whee. The cc eraaee ar der Gon ca bas Gs ie an Gh eee than that of any teem we met the entire season. of a ee WAS 15 Fb. MARWE: Goky, Sati ATheiny © Fine Ek Engleman, G1, Voran, Gel, Hogben, 6 fte, Kline Johnson, 6 fte, Iumter, 6<5. bans 6 Peay Flies Ont, Sand site 1 Whe tide mands @ taut af © taht Sigh tn ous oF Seas boys, none of these regulars were husky. Bob Allen weighs 165, Ebling 154, Miller 168, and so forthe | You still beat your oppomente by taking the tall off the backe Sehied, lind bake to Uk Cocudinek Stns on vebmeis Missouri, as you Imow, had players 6=7% 6-5, and Gxt, and so it was with considered the shorter fellow tne to eqpent pounds of ebarey jumping on even terms with his opponentse Here is oné problem, Harold, that I would like to see same re= search man work out, and I have given a good deal of thought to ite I would like to imow how many pounds of energy more a fellow 6=2 would release in jwaping even with a man 6G=7. I think you get my pointe When a min's trunk or torso measures 6-7, and his opponent*s measures 6=2, the extremities of that taller fellow - @re even more than the difference in height. For instance, the 5 inches difference between the two mon of Ge7 and 6«2 would be about 7 inches when the arms are considered, because the reach is more out of proportion than the heights ‘The next difficulty I had was not in eligibility, but our University calendar was arranged in such a fashion thet we had . three weeks interim between the start of our examinations and the opening of schoole I believe this University is the only one that has such long space of time, and I just let my boys go home and