i a Te oe Hi i fs had asked me to write an article on Dr. Neiemith, and during the rush of camencenent, Papin coreg ul rears ge geen nl ga ing for eight weeks, I neglected the work that I promised hin I _ ‘would doe However, I did have ell these district, western and ‘national play-offs in the N.C.AeAe to handle and to close up the — eo bbe Gn Celle we that you have mush evdet for the mili to grind so that if I send this in to you at an early date he thinks it | will be satisfactory under the conditions. I went you to lmow, Me Doyle, that I am very anxious that vou shall have this material at the earliest possible: date, and I will not delay you longer. , wy I have been endeavoring to find a recent picture of Drs Naiemith, or one taken before his dedth that would show him at his ccnp one sms Lary A ge yOrdmanssar gig Th pe Reps pqptigblecdor psy I have just located this, picture and See es cee oe ee It was not taken here in tom, so I had to do a bit of inauiring before re I could locate the photographer. iennow . getting ready to prepare the article and I an am sure that you will - find the proper location in your make up. This wibl go forvard to you in the outside limit of two weeks. If this will be satise factory to you, please advise mée If you are in need of 1% sooier, ee ee eee ee are ene ee eee Oeee of Oe eee ee en ee een Sone oe eee oe